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431 to 440 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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431) Commentary Note for line 2364:
2364 When he is {drunke, a sleepe,} <drunke asleepe:> or in his rage,
    ... brilliantly used by Shakespeare for his  ...
432) Commentary Note for line 2369:
2369 And that his soule may be as damnd and black
    ... e commentators upon Shakespeare who excl ...
    ... e next century; and Shakespeare has here ...
433) Commentary Note for line 2372:
2372 King. My words fly vp, my thoughts remaine belowe
    ...  public speech. Yet Shakespeare manifest ...
434) Commentary Note for line 2374:
2374 Enter {Gertrard} <Queene> and Polonius.
    ... e cadence' in which Shakespeare summons  ...
    ... e cadence" in which Shakespeare summons  ...
435) Commentary Note for line 2379:
2379 Much heate and him, Ile silence me {euen} <e'ene> heere,
    ... vindicating&#x201D; Shakespeare from &#x ...
    ... hange, occurring to Shakespeare when the ...
    ... hange, occurring to Shakespeare when the ...
436) Commentary Note for line 2404:
2404 Ham. How now, a Rat, dead for a Duckat, dead.
    ... formity to the Plan Shakespeare built hi ...
    ... th the novella that Shakespeare follows  ...
    ... D.V. Falk in the <i>Shakespeare Quarterl ...
437) Commentary Note for line 2409:
2409 Ham. A bloody deede, almost as bad, good mother
    ...  disavowal. May not Shakespeare have lef ...
438) Commentary Note for line 2410:
2410 As kill a King, and marry with his brother.
    ... 12-5 (2492-5)]. Had Shakespeare intended ...
    ... lty and not guilty. Shakespeare seems to ...
439) Commentary Note for line 2411:
2411 {Ger.}<Qu.> As kill a King{.}<?>
    ... so good a defence.  Shakespeare wished t ...
    ... an be supposed that Shakespeare intended ...
440) Commentary Note for line 2413:
2413 Thou wretched, rash, intruding foole farwell,
    ...  to appear mad. And Shakespeare seems to ...

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