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421 to 430 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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421) Commentary Note for line 2333:
2333 In the corrupted currents of this world,
    ...  necessarily right. Shakespeare has meta ...
422) Commentary Note for line 2335:
2335 And oft tis seene the wicked prize it selfe 2335
    ... vindicating&#x201D; Shakespeare from &#x ...
423) Commentary Note for line 2337:
2337 There is no shufling, there the action lies
    ... 1872): &#x201C;Here Shakespeare uses the ...
    ... . Pr. Edd. say that Shakespeare here use ...
424) Commentary Note for line 2344:
2344 O limed soule, that struggling to be free,
    ... o <i>bird-lime.</i> Shakespeare uses the ...
    ...  any sort of snare. Shakespeare often us ...
425) Commentary Note for line 2349:
2349 Enter Hamlet.
    ... ture to assert that Shakespeare did not  ...
426) Commentary Note for line 2350:
2350 Ham. Now might I doe it {, but} <pat,> now {a} <he> is {a} praying,
    ... /sc>(<i>Lectures on Shakespeare and Milt ...
    ... play of the time of Shakespeare intended ...
    ... he goes to heaven!' Shakespeare uses thi ...
    ... e an excuse. But if Shakespeare had anti ...
    ... condition, in which Shakespeare has laid ...
    ...  being exactly what Shakespeare wished i ...
    ... s beyond cavil that Shakespeare wrote &# ...
    ...  public speech. Yet Shakespeare manifest ...
427) Commentary Note for line 2355:
2355 To heauen. 2355
2355 {Why,} <Oh> this is {base and silly} <hyre and Sallery>, not reuendge,
    ... no means  belong to Shakespeare exclusiv ...
    ...  not read, and what Shakespeare actually ...
    ... r 'illegitimate' in Shakespeare (see esp ...
428) Commentary Note for line 2358:
2358 And how his audit stands who knowes saue heauen,
    ... used by others than Shakespeare of the r ...
429) Commentary Note for line 2361:
2361 To take him in the purging of his soule,
    ...  public speech. Yet Shakespeare manifest ...
430) Commentary Note for line 2363:
2363 Vp sword, and knowe thou a more horrid hent,
    ... of this Word, in my SHAKESPEARE <i>resto ...
    ... condition, in which Shakespeare has laid ...
    ... hend </i>is used by Shakespeare for, to  ...
    ...  grappler. But when Shakespeare makes Ha ...
    ... >, which usually in Shakespeare means &# ...
    ... m used elsewhere by Shakespeare twice; t ...
    ... , that the reaction Shakespeare intended ...

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