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411 to 420 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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411) Commentary Note for line 2278:
2278 Out of his {browes} <Lunacies>.
    ... emendation, because Shakespeare uses the ...
    ... . Perhaps, however, Shakespeare designed ...
    ... emendation, because Shakespeare uses the ...
    ... . Perhaps, however, Shakespeare designed ...
    ... l>Perhaps, however, Shakespeare designed ...
    ... pect' of Hamlet (<i>Shakespeare and the  ...
    ... 1874, i.54); and in Shakespeare (<i>Tro< ...
412) Commentary Note for line 2288:
2288 The liues of many, the {cesse} <cease> of Maiestie
    ... o have been used by Shakespeare for boun ...
413) Commentary Note for line 2290:
2290 What's neere it, with it, {or} it is a massie wheele 2290
    ... ll>Massy is used by Shakespeare in four  ...
414) Commentary Note for line 2291:
2291 Fixt on the somnet of the highest mount,
    ... ;Q2, F suggest that Shakespeare spelt so ...
415) Commentary Note for line 2292:
2292 To whose {hough} <huge> spokes, tenne thousand lesser things
    ... ion of <i>less</i>. Shakespeare also use ...
416) Commentary Note for line 2294:
2294 Each small annexment petty consequence {I1}
    ... ing, vocable, which Shakespeare may have ...
417) Commentary Note for line 2297:
2297 King. Arme you I pray you to this speedy {viage,} <Voyage;>
    ... hat Sh. wanted it.  Shakespeare could ha ...
418) Commentary Note for line 2298:
2298 For we will fetters put {about} <vpon> this feare
    ... 1878): &#x201C;Here Shakespeare poetical ...
419) Commentary Note for line 2303:
2303 Behind the Arras I'le conuay my selfe
    ... ohnson thought that Shakespeare had outs ...
420) Commentary Note for line 2330:
2330 Of those effects for which I did the murther; 2330
    ... s to be peculiar to Shakespeare (<i>OED  ...

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