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391 to 400 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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391) Commentary Note for line 2116:
2116 Oph. You are keene my lord, you are keene. 2116
    ... this play was done. Shakespeare was wont ...
392) Commentary Note for lines 2120-23:
2120-1 Ham. So you mistake {your} husbands. | Beginne murtherer, <Pox> leaue
2121-2 thy damnable faces and | begin, come, the croking Rauen doth bellow
2122-3 for {reuenge} <Re-| uenge>.
    ...  the same in his <i>Shakespeare Restored ...
    ... vindicating&#x201D; Shakespeare from &#x ...
    ... lleson</sc> (<i>New Shakespeare Society' ...
    ... 01D; '&#8212;<i>New Shakespeare Society' ...
    ... n, to which company Shakespeare probably ...
393) Commentary Note for lines 2124-25:
2124-5 Luc. Thoughts black, hands apt, | drugges fit, and time agreeing,
    ...  &#x201C;Of course, Shakespeare wrote th ...
    ... question is whether Shakespeare was cont ...
    ... no more likely that Shakespeare once and ...
394) Commentary Note for lines 2132-35:
2132-3 Ham. {A} <He> poysons him i'th Garden {for his} <for's> estate, his | names Gonza-
2133-4 go, the story is extant, and {written in very} <writ in> choice | Italian, you shall see
2134-5 anon how the murtherer gets the | loue of Gonzagoes wife.
    ...  and Cinthio's, but Shakespeare may well ...
395) Commentary Note for line 2136:
2136 Oph. The King rises.
    ... r's office.&#x201D; Shakespeare thus imp ...
396) Commentary Note for lines 2146-50:
2146-7 {Thus} <So> runnes the world away. | Would not this sir & a forrest of fea-
2147-8 thers, if the rest of | my fortunes turne Turk with me, with <two> prouinciall
2149-50 Roses on my {raz'd} <rac'd> shooes, get me a fellowship in a cry | of players? <sir.>
    ... white shoe was what Shakespeare in Hamle ...
    ... vindicating&#x201D; Shakespeare from &#x ...
    ... ostacy of any kind. Shakespeare uses it  ...
    ... ritics thought that Shakespeare probably ...
    ... rship; like the one Shakespeare had with ...
397) Commentary Note for line 2151:
2151 Hora. Halfe a share. 2151
    ... ty shares; of which Shakespeare owned fo ...
    ... amiliar allusion to Shakespeare as a &#8 ...
    ... -stock affair. Thus Shakespeare himself  ...
398) Commentary Note for line 2156:
2156 A very very paiock. 2156
    ... with Mr. Pope, that Shakespeare alluded  ...
    ... aiock</i>), and how Shakespeare could ha ...
    ...  article &#8216;New Shakespeare Interpre ...
    ... ne may wonder where Shakespeare got his  ...
    ...  I believe, is that Shakespeare spelt &# ...
    ... f its occurrence in Shakespeare texts. A ...
    ... to be no doubt that Shakespeare wrote &# ...
399) Commentary Note for line 2164:
2164 Ham. {Ah ha,} <Oh, ha?> come some musique, come the Recorders, {H3v}
    ... nt. ii &#167; 161). Shakespeare uses the ...
    ... he recorders? True, Shakespeare knew tha ...
400) Commentary Note for lines 2175-78:
2175-6 Ham. Your wisedome should shewe it selfe more {richer} <ri-|cher> to signifie
2176-7 this to {the} <his> Doctor, for, for mee to put him | to his purgation, would
2177-8 perhaps plunge him into <farre> | more choller.
    ... ich or resourceful. Shakespeare and his  ...

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