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341 to 350 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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341) Commentary Note for line 1733:
1733 The vndiscouer'd country, from whose borne
    ... ne 2, and to acquit Shakespeare of  &#x2 ...
342) Commentary Note for line 1738:
1738 And thus the natiue hiew of resolution
    ...  to inquire whether Shakespeare had more ...
    ... o be the book which Shakespeare placed i ...
343) Commentary Note for line 1742:
1742 And loose the name of action. Soft you now,
    ... elia' in his God in Shakespeare construe ...
344) Commentary Note for line 1758:
1758 Ham. Ha, ha, are you honest.
    ... 201C;Every lover of Shakespeare is famil ...
345) Commentary Note for line 1759:
1759 Oph. My Lord.
    ... s a word as honest. Shakespeare uses it  ...
346) Commentary Note for lines 1776-7:
1776-7 Ham. Get thee <to> a {Nunry} <Nunnerie>, why would'st thou be a breeder of sin-
1777-8 ners, I am my selfe indifferent honest, but yet I could accuse mee of
    ... t was for this that Shakespeare chose to ...
    ... ut any ambiguity.   Shakespeare perhaps  ...
347) Commentary Note for lines 1779-81:
1779-80 very proude, reuengefull, ambitious, with more offences at my beck,
1781-2 then I haue thoughts to put them in, imagination to giue them shape,
    ... , ed. Dyce (for the Shakespeare Society, ...
348) Commentary Note for lines 1784-5:
1784-5 goe thy | waies to a {Nunry} <Nunnery>. Where's your father?
    ... ry (see Sprague, <i>Shakespeare and the  ...
349) Commentary Note for lines 1798-1800:
1798-9 Ham. I haue heard of your {paintings} <pratlings too> well enough, | God hath gi-
1799-1800 uen you one {face} <pace>, and you make your selfes an|other, you gig {&} <you> am-
    ... ough he admits that Shakespeare might ha ...
    ... the quarto plays of Shakespeare are rema ...
350) Commentary Note for lines 1804-05:
1804-5 but one shall liue, the rest shall keep | as they are: to a {Nunry} <Nunnery,> go. Exit <Hamlet>.
    ... t once (and such as Shakespeare meant it ...

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