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321 to 330 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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321) Commentary Note for lines 1610-11:
1610 Vpon whose property and most deare life,
1611 A damn'd defeate was made: am I a coward,
    ... y the old writers.  Shakespeare  in anot ...
    ... y the old writers.  Shakespeare in anoth ...
322) Commentary Note for lines 1627-8:
1627-8 And fall a cursing like a very drabbe; | a {stallyon,} <Scullion?> fie vppont, foh.
    ... one more passage in Shakespeare where th ...
323) Commentary Note for line 1629:
1629 That guilty creatures sitting at a play,
    ...  &#x201C;'Tis plain Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... is probable that <i>Shakespeare </i>had  ...
    ... C;&#8216;'Tis plain Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... ps the influence of Shakespeare as well  ...
324) Commentary Note for line 1632:
1632 They haue proclaim'd their malefactions:
    ... , reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, ...
325) Commentary Note for line 1637:
1637 Ile tent him to the quicke, if a {doe} <but> blench
    ... ed. 1865): &#x201C; Shakespeare seems to ...
326) Commentary Note for line 1644:
1644 More relatiue then this, the play's the thing
    ...  4): &#x201C;Though Shakespeare was not  ...
    ... ties.  We know that Shakespeare assisted ...
327) Commentary Note for lines 1650-1:
1650 Grating so harshly all his dayes of quiet
1651 With turbulent and dangerous lunacie?
    ... .18.   Elsewhere in Shakespeare the verb ...
328) Commentary Note for line 1661:
1661 Ros. Niggard of question, but of our demaunds
    ... by <i>question,</i> Shakespeare does not ...
    ... ly conjectured that Shakespeare wrote th ...
    ...  change places. But Shakespeare probably ...
    ... ces of madness does Shakespeare allow hi ...
329) Commentary Note for lines 1671-2:
1671 And he beseecht me to intreat your Maiesties
1672 To heare and see the matter.
    ... bs were employed by Shakespeare with bot ...
330) Commentary Note for line 1681:
1681 Affront Ophelia; her father and my selfe,<(lawful espials)>
    ... ut his dramas) that Shakespeare was not  ...

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