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291 to 300 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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291) Commentary Note for lines 1343-4:
1343-4 forgon all custome of ex|ercises: and indeede it goes so {heauily} <heauenly> with
    ... n hardly doubt that Shakespeare was acqu ...
292) Commentary Note for lines 1344-5:
1344-5 my dispositi|on, that this goodly frame the earth, seemes to mee a
    ... seems unlikely that Shakespeare needed s ...
    ...  994-6).   As often Shakespeare achieves ...
293) Commentary Note for lines 1347-8:
1347-8 you, this braue orehanging {firmament}, this maiesticall roofe | fret-
    ... tectural term which Shakespeare employs  ...
294) Commentary Note for lines 1353-4:
1353-4 gell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the | world; the
    ... tive imagination.   Shakespeare is of co ...
295) Commentary Note for lines 1369-70:
1369-70 his part in | peace, <the Clowne shall make those laugh whose lungs>
    ... I, 62 ; Ingleby, <i>Shakespeare Hermeneu ...
296) Commentary Note for lines 1376-7:
1376-7 Ham. How chances it they trauaile? their resi|dence both in repu- {F2v}
    ... he company to which Shakespeare belonged ...
    ... 01C;It is said that Shakespeare was once ...
297) Commentary Note for lines 1379-80:
1379-80 Ros. I thinke their inhibition, comes by the meanes |of the late
    ... and I think that if Shakespeare intended ...
    ... attraction. Perhaps Shakespeare wrote it ...
    ... he company of which Shakespeare was a me ...
    ...  &#8216;inhibition' Shakespeare merely m ...
    ... membering how chary Shakespeare is of co ...
    ... event (cf. Boas, <i>Shakespeare and the  ...
    ... e's supposition (<i>Shakespeare and the  ...
298) Commentary Note for lines 1386-7:
1386 <pace; But there is Sir an ayrie of Children, little>
1387 <Yases, that crye out on the top of question; and>
    ... to be determined by Shakespeare himself  ...
    ... op of Question</i>, Shakespeare meant th ...
    ... this word question. Shakespeare compares ...
    ... twenty allusions in Shakespeare to the a ...
    ... passed all others.  Shakespeare uses <i> ...
    ... p of question'</i>, Shakespeare Soc., 18 ...
299) Commentary Note for line 1388:
1388 <are most tyrannically clap't for't: these are now the>
    ... eater Affront could Shakespeare put upon ...
300) Commentary Note for line 1392:
1392 < Ham. What are they Children? Who maintains 'em?>
    ... ;part in the choir. Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... ll>passane</small>. Shakespeare aimed at ...

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