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211 to 220 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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211) Commentary Note for line 733:
733 The will of my most seeming vertuous Queene;
    ...  135 and 136, where Shakespeare puns on  ...
212) Commentary Note for line 743:
743 But soft, me thinkes I sent the {morning} <Mornings> ayre,
    ... sc> (1977, p. 312): Shakespeare artfully ...
213) Commentary Note for line 746:
746 Vpon my secure houre, thy Vncle stole
    ...  which the ghost in Shakespeare bears to ...
214) Commentary Note for line 747:
747 With iuyce of cursed {Hebona} <Hebenon> in a viall,
    ... inly the Word which Shakespeare intended ...
    ... hen administered as Shakespeare describe ...
    ... tful what precisely Shakespeare and his  ...
    ... poison, but even if Shakespeare took it  ...
    ...  here suggests that Shakespeare may have ...
    ...  4: 3017), and that Shakespeare associat ...
    ... spondence with what Shakespeare here des ...
    ... iar plant. No doubt Shakespeare drew on  ...
    ... i>.  Names given by Shakespeare and Marl ...
    ... t seems likely that Shakespeare took the ...
    ... &#8216;braver' one. Shakespeare condense ...
    ... i>.  Names given by Shakespeare and Marl ...
    ... t seems likely that Shakespeare took the ...
215) Commentary Note for line 748:
748 And in the porches of {my} <mine> eares did poure
    ... e (see 747 CN). But Shakespeare probably ...
    ... lough suggests that Shakespeare took the ...
216) Commentary Note for line 753:
753 And with a sodaine vigour it doth {possesse} <posset>
    ... ssage</small> where Shakespeare uses &#8 ...
    ... of' or 'overpower'; Shakespeare uses the ...
217) Commentary Note for line 756:
756 And a most instant tetter {barckt} <bak'd> about
    ... atological words in Shakespeare and in R ...
218) Commentary Note for line 760:
760 Of life, of Crowne, {of} <and> Queene at once dispatcht,
    ... ght, and why should Shakespeare employ a ...
219) Commentary Note for line 762:
762 2352 Vnhuzled, disappointed, {vnanueld} <vnnaneld>,
    ... eive the Sacrament. Shakespeare in Hamle ...
    ... 34): &#x201C;See my Shakespeare and Text ...
    ... x201C;The Lovers of Shakespeare will at  ...
    ... nt with oil. But as Shakespeare did not  ...
    ... <small>again a word Shakespeare does not ...
    ... xplain the words of Shakespeare long bef ...
    ... rnal of the British Shakespeare Associat ...
220) Commentary Note for line 765:
765 O horrible, ô horrible, most horrible.
    ... yet I doubt whether Shakespeare intended ...
    ... otherwise; and that Shakespeare intended ...

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