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681 to 690 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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681) Commentary Note for line 3567:
3567 Ham. Dooes it not {thinke} <thinkst> thee stand me now vppon?
    ... lker's <i>Shakespear ...
682) Commentary Note for line 3568_356:
3568 He that hath kild my King, and whor'd my mother,
3569 Pop't in betweene th'election and my hopes,
    ...  that had Shakespear ...
    ... way. That Shakespear ...
    ... ations in Shakespear ...
    ... 1 But had Shakespear ...
    ... mark than Shakespear ...
683) Commentary Note for line 3572_357:
3572 <To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd>
3573 <To let this Canker of our nature come>
3574 <In further euill.>
    ... gave what Shakespear ...
684) Commentary Note for line 3572_74:
3572 <To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd>
3573 <To let this Canker of our nature come>
3574 <In further euill.>
    ... gave what Shakespear ...
685) Commentary Note for line 3581_358:
3581 <For by the image of my Cause, I see>
3582 <The Portraiture of his; Ile count his fauours:>
3583 <But sure the brauery of his griefe did put me>
3584 <Into a Towring passion.>
3585 <Hor. Peace, who comes heere?> 3585
    ... gave what Shakespear ...
686) Commentary Note for line 3586:
3586 Enter {a Courtier.} <young Osricke.>
    ...  and tho' Shakespear ...
    ... edy which Shakespear ...
    ...  found by Shakespear ...
    ...  in 1585. Shakespear ...
687) Commentary Note for line 3588_358:
3588 Ham. I {humble} <humbly> thanke you sir.
3588 Doost know this water fly?
3589 Hora. No my good Lord.
    ... ugt, dass Shakespear ...
    ... nced that Shakespear ...
688) Commentary Note for line 3592_359:
3592-3 crib shall stand at the Kings | messe, tis a chough, but as I {say,} <saw> spaci-
3593-4 ous in the pos|session of durt.
    ... erisiren. Shakespear ...
    ... time when Shakespear ...
689) Commentary Note for line 3603_360:
3603-4 Ham. {But yet} me thinkes it is very {sully} <soultry> and hot, {or} <for> my | complec-
3604 tion.
    ... ben, dass Shakespear ...
    ... ieve that Shakespear ...
690) Commentary Note for line 3609_361:
3609 Ham. I beseech you remember.
3610 {Cour.} <Osr.> Nay {good my Lord} <in good faith,> for {my} <mine> ease in good faith, {sir here is newly}
    ... Ingleby's Shakespear ...
    ... en in the Shakespear ...
    ...  I supose Shakespear ...

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