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611 to 620 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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611) Commentary Note for lines 3279-81:
3279-80 about the {massene} <Mazard> with a Sextens | spade; heere's fine reuolution {and}
3280-1 <if> we had the tricke to | see't, did these bones cost no more the breeding,
    ... tion from Shakespear ...
    ... lloquial. Shakespear ...
612) Commentary Note for lines 3281-83:
3281-3 but | to play at loggits with {them} <’em?>: mine ake to thinke | on't. 3281
    ... ention in Shakespear ...
613) Commentary Note for lines 3284-88:
3284 <Clowne sings.>
3285 {Clow. } A pickax and a spade a spade, {Song.}
3286 for and a shrowding sheet,
3287 O a pit of Clay for to be made
3288 for such a guest is meet.
    ... s eds. of Shakespear ...
614) Commentary Note for lines 3289-90:
3289-90 Ham. There's another, why {may} <might> not that be the | skull of <of> a Lawyer,
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ... eive that Shakespear ...
    ... ears that Shakespear ...
615) Commentary Note for lines 3290-91:
3290-1 where be his {quiddities} <Quiddits> now, his | {quillites,} <Quillets?> his cases, his tenurs, and his
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ... eive that Shakespear ...
    ... ears that Shakespear ...
    ...  Rushton, Shakespear ...
616) Commentary Note for lines 3316-18:
3316-7 Ham. Thou doost lie in't to be in't & say {it is} <‘tis> thine, | tis for the dead,
3317-8 not for the quicke, therefore thou | lyest.
    ...  leads in Shakespear ...
617) Commentary Note for lines 3328-29:
3328-9 Ham. How absolute the knaue is, we must speake | by the card, or
    ... r for the Shakespear ...
    ... r for the Shakespear ...
    ... lear that Shakespear ...
618) Commentary Note for lines 3338-39:
3338-9 very day that young Hamlet was borne: hee | that {is} <was> mad and sent into
3339 England.
    ... the play, Shakespear ...
    ... n twenty. Shakespear ...
    ... ard, that Shakespear ...
    ... ver, that Shakespear ...
    ... let's. If Shakespear ...
    ... d is what Shakespear ...
    ... ty years, Shakespear ...
    ... ver, that Shakespear ...
619) Commentary Note for lines 3351-52:
3351-2 Clow. Why heere in Denmarke: I haue been {Sexten} <sixeteene>| heere man
3352 and boy thirty yeeres.
    ... 95]. That Shakespear ...
    ... nced; and Shakespear ...
    ... > (<i>New Shakespear ...
    ... us so and Shakespear ...
    ...  with the Shakespear ...
    ...  but that Shakespear ...
    ... ting that Shakespear ...
    ...  the play Shakespear ...
620) Commentary Note for lines 3360-62:
3360-1 out water a great while; & your water | is a sore decayer of your whor-
3361-2 son dead body, heer's a scull | {now hath lyen you} <now: this Scul, has laine> i'th earth {23.} <three & twenty> yeeres.
    ... us so and Shakespear ...
    ...  with the Shakespear ...
    ...  trusted, Shakespear ...

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