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591 to 600 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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591) Commentary Note for line 3161:
3161 Of Crowflowers, Nettles, Daises, and long Purples
    ... nty where Shakespear ...
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... n, <i>The Shakespear ...
592) Commentary Note for line 3162:
3162 That liberall Shepheards giue a grosser name,
    ... y used by Shakespear ...
    ... now which Shakespear ...
593) Commentary Note for line 3163:
3163 But our {cull-cold} <cold> maydes doe dead mens fingers call them.
    ...  . . . in Shakespear ...
594) Commentary Note for line 3169:
3169 Which time she chaunted snatches of old {laudes} <tunes>,
    ... obody but Shakespear ...
    ... p. 72&gt; Shakespear ...
    ... ible that Shakespear ...
595) Commentary Note for line 3172:
3172 Vnto that elament, but long it could not be
    ... help her. Shakespear ...
596) Commentary Note for line 3184:
3184 But that this folly {drownes} <doubts> it. Exit.
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ... d whether Shakespear ...
    ... ssages in Shakespear ...
597) Commentary Note for line 3189:
3189 Enter two Clownes.
    ... nation as Shakespear ...
    ... eath; but Shakespear ...
598) Commentary Note for line 3198_319:
3198-9 Clowne. It must be {so offended} <Se offendendo>, it cannot be els, for | heere lyes the
    ... onally by Shakespear ...
    ... eems that Shakespear ...
599) Commentary Note for lines 3200-02:
3200-01 three branches, it is {to} <an>| act, to doe, <and> to performe, {or all;} <argall> she drownd her
3201-2 selfe | wittingly.
    ... argument. Shakespear ...
600) Commentary Note for line 3203:
3203 Other. Nay, but heare you good man deluer.
    ... . Clearly Shakespear ...

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