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571 to 580 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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571) Commentary Note for line 3078+13:
3078+13 {Yet needfull to, for youth no lesse becomes}
    ...  (2925)]. Shakespear ...
572) Commentary Note for line 3078+16:
3078+16 {Importing health and grauenes;} <Some> two months {since} <hence> 3078+16
    ... t only in Shakespear ...
573) Commentary Note for line 3081:
3081 And they {can} <ran> well on horsebacke, but this gallant
    ... >ran</i>. Shakespear ...
574) Commentary Note for line 3085:
3085 With the braue beast, so farre he {topt me} <past my> thought, 3085
    ... .'<small> Shakespear ...
575) Commentary Note for line 3100:
3100 Did Hamlet so enuenom with his enuy,
    ... s called. Shakespear ...
576) Commentary Note for line 3110:
3110 But that I knowe, loue is begunne by time, 3110
    ... t used by Shakespear ...
    ... tion that Shakespear ...
577) Commentary Note for line 3112_1_3:
3112+1-3112+10 There liues . . . of th 'vlcer,
    ... hink that Shakespear ...
578) Commentary Note for line 3112_4:
3112+4 {For goodnes growing to a plurisie,}
    ... uris</i>. Shakespear ...
    ... rs beside Shakespear ...
    ... ieve that Shakespear ...
    ... in the <i>Shakespear ...
579) Commentary Note for line 3112_5:
3112+5 {Dies in his owne too much, that we would doe}
    ... ieve that Shakespear ...
    ... in the <i>Shakespear ...
580) Commentary Note for line 3112_6:
3112+6 {We should doe when we would: for this would changes,} 3112+6
    ... ieve that Shakespear ...
    ... in the <i>Shakespear ...

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