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491 to 500 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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491) Commentary Note for line 2612:
2612 Ore whom, his very madnes like some ore
    ... ects that Shakespear ...
    ... re</i> in Shakespear ...
    ... ] metal. 'Shakespear ...
492) Commentary Note for line 2628:
2628 And whats vntimely doone,
    ... ses in my SHAKESPEAR ...
    ... ses in my SHAKESPEAR ...
    ... ; &#8211; Shakespear ...
    ... In his <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ugh, that Shakespear ...
    ... ords that Shakespear ...
    ... know what Shakespear ...
    ... rite with Shakespear ...
493) Commentary Note for line 2628+1:
2628+1 {Whose whisper ore the worlds dyameter,} 2628+1
    ... ; &#8211; Shakespear ...
    ... kely that Shakespear ...
494) Commentary Note for line 2636:
2636 Ham. {Compound} <Compounded> it with dust whereto tis kin.
    ... quiry. If Shakespear ...
    ... ative 'if Shakespear ...
495) Commentary Note for lines 2641-43:
2641-2 Ham. That I can keepe your counsaile & not mine | owne, besides
2642-3 to be demaunded of a spunge, what {replycation} <re-| plication> should be made by
2643 the sonne of a King.
    ... gallows.  Shakespear ...
496) Commentary Note for lines 2645-50:
2645-6 Ham. I sir, that sokes vp the Kings countenaunce, his | rewards, his
2646-7 authorities, but such Officers doe the King | best seruice in the end, he
2647-8 keepes them like an {apple} <Ape> in | the corner of his iaw, first mouth'd to be
2648-9 last swallowed, | when hee needs what you haue gleand, it is but squee-
2650 sing you, and spunge you shall be dry againe.
    ...  exact as Shakespear ...
    ... ate here. Shakespear ...
497) Commentary Note for lines 2656-57:
2656-7 Ham. The body is with the King, but the King is not | with the {K2}
2657 body. The King is a thing{.} <—>
    ... in the <i>Shakespear ...
498) Commentary Note for line 2670:
2670 Deliberate pause, diseases desperat growne,
    ... pose that Shakespear ...
    ... equent in Shakespear ...
499) Commentary Note for lines 2672-2672+1:
2672 Or not at all. <Enter Rosincrane.>
2672+1 {Enter Rosencraus and all the rest.}
    ... t be what Shakespear ...
2685-6 Ham. Not where he eates, but where {a} <he> is eaten, a {certaine} <cer-| taine> conua-
2686-7 cation of {politique} wormes are een at him: your worme | is your onely
2687-8 Emperour for dyet, we fat all creatures els | to fat vs, and wee fat our
2688-9 {selues} <selfe> for maggots, your fat King | and your leane begger is but varia-
2689-90 ble {seruice, two} <service t
    ... ated</i>. Shakespear ...
    ... ated</i>. Shakespear ...
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
    ... now.'  In Shakespear ...
    ... just like Shakespear ...
    ... atecraft. Shakespear ...

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