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351 to 360 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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351) Commentary Note for line 1814:
1814 Like sweet bells iangled out of {time} <tune>, and harsh,
    ... ), and in Shakespear ...
    ... 250), and Shakespear ...
    ... 5).   And Shakespear ...
    ... 142-3).   Shakespear ...
352) Commentary Note for line 1824:
1824 VVill be some danger; which {for} to preuent,
    ... ion which Shakespear ...
353) Commentary Note for lines 1849-50:
1849-50 Ham. Speake the speech I pray you as I pronoun'd | it to you, trip-
    ... anions of Shakespear ...
    ... e between Shakespear ...
    ...  charging Shakespear ...
    ...  plays of Shakespear ...
    ... #x201C;<i>Shakespear ...
    ... ion' that Shakespear ...
354) Commentary Note for lines 1850-51:
1850-1 pingly on the tongue, but if you mouth it| as many of {our} <your> Players do,
    ... cely what Shakespear ...
355) Commentary Note for lines 1856-57:
1856-7 offends mee to the soule, | to {heare} <see> a robustious perwig-pated fellowe
    ...  passages Shakespear ...
356) Commentary Note for lines 1867-68:
1867-8 ture: For any | thing so {ore-doone} <ouer-done>, is from the purpose of playing,
    ... ized that Shakespear ...
357) Commentary Note for lines 1878-80:
1878-80 uing | th'accent of Christians, nor the gate of Christian, Pagan, | {nor}
    ... t whether Shakespear ...
358) Commentary Note for lines 1881-82:
1881-2 tures Iornimen had made men, | and not made them well, they imita-
    ...  passages Shakespear ...
359) Commentary Note for lines 1886-87:
1886-7 Ham. O reforme it altogether, and let those that | play your clownes
1887-8 speake no more then is set downe for | them, for there be of them that
    ... r, whence Shakespear ...
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
360) Commentary Note for lines 1892-95:
1892-5 pittifull ambition in the foole that vses | it: goe make you readie. <Exit Players.> | How
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... ed by the Shakespear ...
    ... f clowns, Shakespear ...

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