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321 to 330 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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321) Commentary Note for lines 1610-11:
1610 Vpon whose property and most deare life,
1611 A damn'd defeate was made: am I a coward,
    ... writers.  Shakespear ...
    ... writers.  Shakespear ...
322) Commentary Note for lines 1627-8:
1627-8 And fall a cursing like a very drabbe; | a {stallyon,} <Scullion?> fie vppont, foh.
    ... assage in Shakespear ...
323) Commentary Note for line 1629:
1629 That guilty creatures sitting at a play,
    ... Tis plain Shakespear ...
    ... e that <i>Shakespear ...
    ... Tis plain Shakespear ...
    ... luence of Shakespear ...
324) Commentary Note for line 1632:
1632 They haue proclaim'd their malefactions:
    ... d for the Shakespear ...
325) Commentary Note for line 1637:
1637 Ile tent him to the quicke, if a {doe} <but> blench
    ...  &#x201C; Shakespear ...
326) Commentary Note for line 1644:
1644 More relatiue then this, the play's the thing
    ... 1C;Though Shakespear ...
    ... know that Shakespear ...
327) Commentary Note for lines 1650-1:
1650 Grating so harshly all his dayes of quiet
1651 With turbulent and dangerous lunacie?
    ... ewhere in Shakespear ...
328) Commentary Note for line 1661:
1661 Ros. Niggard of question, but of our demaunds
    ... tion,</i> Shakespear ...
    ... ured that Shakespear ...
    ... aces. But Shakespear ...
    ... ness does Shakespear ...
329) Commentary Note for lines 1671-2:
1671 And he beseecht me to intreat your Maiesties
1672 To heare and see the matter.
    ... ployed by Shakespear ...
330) Commentary Note for line 1681:
1681 Affront Ophelia; her father and my selfe,<(lawful espials)>
    ... mas) that Shakespear ...

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