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311 to 320 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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311) Commentary Note for line 1502:
1502 That lend a tirranus and {a} damned light
    ... t what <i>Shakespear ...
312) Commentary Note for line 1509:
1509 {Player} < 1. Play>. Anon he finds him,
    ... ay. . . . Shakespear ...
    ... ceties of Shakespear ...
    ... rrowed by Shakespear ...
    ... e.  Hence Shakespear ...
313) Commentary Note for line 1521:
1521 So as a painted tirant Pirrhus stood
    ... e still', Shakespear ...
314) Commentary Note for line 1522:
1522 <And> Like a newtrall to his will and matter,
    ... emn pause Shakespear ...
315) Commentary Note for lines 1527-8:
1527 Doth rend the region, so after Pirrhus pause,
1528 A rowsed vengeance sets him new a worke,
    ... wer.   By Shakespear ...
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ... ' Used by Shakespear ...
316) Commentary Note for line 1530:
1530 On {Marses Armor} <Mars his Armours,> forg'd for proofe eterne, 1530
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
317) Commentary Note for line 1537:
1537 As lowe as to the fiends.
    ...    But if Shakespear ...
318) Commentary Note for lines 1540-41:
1540-1 for a Iigge, or a tale of bawdry, or he | sleepes, say on, come to Hecuba.
    ... 14-15).   Shakespear ...
319) Commentary Note for line 1547:
1547 With Bison rehume, a clout {vppon} <about> that head
    ... lief that Shakespear ...
320) Commentary Note for line 1608:
1608 Like Iohn-a-dreames, vnpregnant of my cause,
    ... ed by the Shakespear ...

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