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301 to 310 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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301) Commentary Note for lines 1419-20:
1419-20 mee comply with you in {this} <the> garb: | {let me} <lest my> extent to the players,
    ... /i>a word Shakespear ...
302) Commentary Note for lines 1425-6:
1425-6 Ham. I am but mad North North west; when the | wind is Sou-
1426 therly, I knowe a Hauke, from a hand saw.
    ... nbavand's Shakespear ...
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... sented by Shakespear ...
    ...  161) led Shakespear ...
303) Commentary Note for lines 1444-6:
1444-5 Pol. The best actors in the world, either for Trage|die, Comedy,
1445-6 History, Pastorall, {Pastorall} <Pastoricall-> Comicall, | Historicall Pastorall,
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... is part,  Shakespear ...
    ... ence that Shakespear ...
304) Commentary Note for lines 1446-7:
1446-7 <Tragicall-Historicall: Tragicall-|Comicall-Historicall-Pastorall:> scene
    ... drama, as Shakespear ...
305) Commentary Note for lines 1462-3:
1462-3 Ham. Why as by lot God wot, and then you knowe it | came to
    ... allad, as Shakespear ...
    ... allad, as Shakespear ...
306) Commentary Note for lines 1472-3:
1472-3 chopine, pray God | your voyce like a peece of vncurrant gold,
    ... ntaros on Shakespear ...
    ... ab><i>new shakespear ...
    ... . (<i>New Shakespear ...
307) Commentary Note for lines 1479-80:
1479-80 Ham. I heard thee speake me a speech once, but it was | neuer acted,
    ... te, which Shakespear ...
    ... sked, did Shakespear ...
    ... en though Shakespear ...
308) Commentary Note for lines 1481-2:
1481-2 the million, t'was cauiary to the | generall, but it was as I receaued
    ... rbage (<i>Shakespear ...
309) Commentary Note for lines 1493-4:
1493-4 beast, {tis} <It is> not so, it beginnes with Pirrhus, | the rugged Pirrhus, he whose
1494 sable Armes,
    ... king that Shakespear ...
    ... at is, to Shakespear ...
    ...  man whom Shakespear ...
    ... t whether Shakespear ...
    ... ved, that Shakespear ...
    ...  but that Shakespear ...
    ... <para>Had Shakespear ...
    ... ion, that Shakespear ...
    ... e work of Shakespear ...
    ... e.  Hence Shakespear ...
    ... remarked, Shakespear ...
    ... ined that Shakespear ...
    ... speech in Shakespear ...
310) Commentary Note for line 1499:
1499 Now is he {totall} <to take> Gules horridly trickt
    ... red</i>.  Shakespear ...

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