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261 to 270 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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261) Commentary Note for line 975:
975 No hat vpon his head, his stockins fouled,
    ...  1637 (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... . 1987): "Shakespear ...
262) Commentary Note for line 976:
976 Vngartred, and downe gyued to his ancle,
    ... o that <i>Shakespear ...
    ... o that <i>Shakespear ...
263) Commentary Note for line 984:
984 Oph. He tooke me by the wrist, and held me hard,
    ... hink that Shakespear ...
264) Commentary Note for line 986:
986 And with his other hand thus ore his brow,
    ... n--a sign Shakespear ...
265) Commentary Note for line 988:
988 As {a} <he> would draw it, long stayd he so,
    ... ) used by Shakespear ...
266) Commentary Note for line 1010:
1010 I had not {coted} <quoted> him, I {fear'd} <feare> he did but trifle
    ... how, that Shakespear ...
    ... therefore Shakespear ...
267) Commentary Note for line 1011:
1011 And meant to wrack thee, but beshrow my Ielousie:
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
268) Commentary Note for line 1012:
1012 {By heauen} <It seemes> it is as proper to our age
    ... ned by <i>Shakespear ...
269) Commentary Note for line 1013:
1013 To cast beyond our selues in our opinions,
    ...  exercise Shakespear ...
270) Commentary Note for line 1019:
1019 {Florish.} Enter King {and} Queene, Rosencraus and
    ... See Cohn, Shakespear ...

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