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251 to 260 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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251) Commentary Note for line 892:
892 Pol. You shall doe meruiles wisely good Reynaldo,
    ... : "very.  Shakespear ...
252) Commentary Note for line 898:
898 Enquire me first what Danskers are in Parris,
    ... mark, and Shakespear ...
    ...  that led Shakespear ...
253) Commentary Note for line 913:
913 But sir, such wanton, wild, and vsuall slips,
    ... ' Perhaps Shakespear ...
254) Commentary Note for line 921:
921 You must not put another scandell on him, [E1v]
    ... in his <i>Shakespear ...
255) Commentary Note for line 931:
931 And I belieue it is a fetch of {wit,} <warrant:>
    ... gest that Shakespear ...
256) Commentary Note for line 936:
936 The youth you breath of guiltie, be assur'd
    ... </i> with Shakespear ...
257) Commentary Note for line 938:
938 Good sir, (or so,) or friend, or gentleman,
    ... Reynaldo, Shakespear ...
258) Commentary Note for line 957:
957 With windlesses, and with assaies of bias,
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
259) Commentary Note for line 958:
958 By indirections find directions out,
    ... kind; but Shakespear ...
260) Commentary Note for line 974:
974 Lord Hamlet with his doublet all vnbrac'd,
    ...  garment. Shakespear ...
    ... irl, that Shakespear ...
    ... C;jacket. Shakespear ...

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