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571 to 580 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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571) Commentary Note for line 3078+13:
3078+13 {Yet needfull to, for youth no lesse becomes}

    ... d dignified pursuits of sober years are to their elders.' Cf. [4.5.172 (2925)]. Shakespeare is fond of metaphors from clothes.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1 ...
572) Commentary Note for line 3078+16:
3078+16 {Importing health and grauenes;} <Some> two months {since} <hence> 3078+16

    ... importing <i>graveness</i>. The construction is a very common one, not only in Shakespeare but in later writers, notably Mr. Swinburne.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn ...
573) Commentary Note for line 3081:
3081 And they {can} <ran> well on horsebacke, but this gallant

    ... /i> <sc>Irving &amp; Marshall</sc>, ed. 1890): &#x201C;Ff. misprint <i>ran</i>. Shakespeare used the word <i>can</i> in a few places in its absolute sense of po ...
574) Commentary Note for line 3085:
3085 With the braue beast, so farre he {topt me} <past my> thought, 3085

    ... assed, as in [<i>Mac.</i> 4.3.57 (1879)]: &#8216;to <i>top</i> Macbeth.'<small> Shakespeare seems to have been fond of metaphors derived from <i>top</i>, which ...
575) Commentary Note for line 3100:
3100 Did Hamlet so enuenom with his enuy,

    ... 1881): &#x201C;&#8216;With envy <i>of you</i>.' The objective, as it is called. Shakespeare often has both the objective and the subjective genitive in cases wh ...
576) Commentary Note for line 3110:
3110 But that I knowe, loue is begunne by time, 3110

    ... , &amp;c. Or possibly we should read <i>by-gone</i>, a Scotch word, but used by Shakespeare in [<i>WT</i> a.s.? (0000)], where Hermione says, &#8216;Tell him, y ...

    ... emendation ((e.g. <i>begone, begnawn</i>)), have come from the assumption that Shakespeare alludes to the fading of love with the passage of time. But although ...
577) Commentary Note for line 3112_1_3:
3112+1-3112+10 There liues . . . of th 'vlcer,

    ... lly, and so illuminating of Claudius's philosophy of life. We cannot think that Shakespeare would delete it unless he were under considerable pressure to shorte ...
578) Commentary Note for line 3112_4:
3112+4 {For goodnes growing to a plurisie,}

    ... ably from an erroneous idea that the word was derived from <i>plus, pluris</i>. Shakespeare does not employ it elsewhere, but it is not uncommon in writers cont ...

    ... y</sc> (ed. 1873): &#x201C;The Cambridge editors shew that other writers beside Shakespeare imagine that &#8216;pleurisy' is connected with &#8216;plus;' using ...

    ... as of that of Hamlet. How is it possible, reading these lines, to believe that Shakespeare intended to give to the portrait of Hamlet any touch of energy!</han ...

    ... a>&#x201C;I feel induced here to repeat what I remarked in reviewing (in the <i>Shakespeare Jahrbuch</i>) <i>Mr. Halliwell Phillipps' Memoranda on the Tragedy o ...
579) Commentary Note for line 3112_5:
3112+5 {Dies in his owne too much, that we would doe}

    ... as of that of Hamlet. How is it possible, reading these lines, to believe that Shakespeare intended to give to the portrait of Hamlet any touch of energy!</par ...

    ... a>&#x201C;I feel induced here to repeat what I remarked in reviewing (in the <i>Shakespeare Jahrbuch</i>) <i>Mr. Halliwell Phillipps' Memoranda on the Tragedy o ...
580) Commentary Note for line 3112_6:
3112+6 {We should doe when we would: for this would changes,} 3112+6

    ... as of that of Hamlet. How is it possible, reading these lines, to believe that Shakespeare intended to give to the portrait of Hamlet any touch of energy!</par ...

    ... a>&#x201C;I feel induced here to repeat what I remarked in reviewing (in the <i>Shakespeare Jahrbuch</i>) <i>Mr. Halliwell Phillipps' Memoranda on the Tragedy o ...

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