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511 to 520 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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511) Commentary Note for line 2743+1:
2743+1 {Enter Hamlet, Rosencraus, &c.} 2743+1

    ... th soliloquy may &lt;/1:30&gt;&lt;1:31&gt; have been an addition to the play by Shakespeare after the performances of 1601 and the construction of the original ...
512) Commentary Note for line 2743+5:
2743+5 {Cap. Against some part of Poland.}

    ... ry offers no clue to the source of this description. It has been suggested that Shakespeare may have had in his mind Sir Walter Raleigh's attack upon the fort o ...
513) Commentary Note for line 2743+11:
2743+11 {We goe to gaine a little patch of ground}

    ... b> ground</b>] <sc>Marshall </sc>(1875, pp. 193-4): &lt;p.193&gt; &#x201C;That Shakespeare intended to refer to some particular expedition in this passage I ha ...

    ... still the extent of it does not answer to the description in the text. In 1573 Shakespeare was only nine years old; in 1580, when Walter Raleigh joined Grey's ...

    ... short speech) has no parallel in the Quarto of 1603; it was evidently added by Shakespeare on the revision of the play, a circumstance which confirms me in the ...

    ... n> <cn> <sigla>1885<tab> </tab><sc>macd</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>macd:</sc> <i>Shakespeare Lexicon</i> + magenta underlined</hanging><para>2743+11<tab> </tab>< ...

    ... bout it at all?</small> If the word &#8216;frontier' has the meaning, as the <i>Shakespeare Lexicon</i> says, of &#8216;an outwork in fortification,' <small>its ...

    ... ir Francis Vere which returned home on March 18. There can be little doubt that Shakespeare is here alluding to those events' (Dover Wilson).&#x201D;</para></cn ...
514) Commentary Note for line 2743+18:
2743+18 {Ham. Two thousand soules, & twenty thousand duckets}

    ... r one. Moreover, there is mislineation at [3.4.52 (2435-6)] in Q2, showing that Shakespeare was not very careful about his speech headings. It therefore seems r ...
515) Commentary Note for line 2743+20:
2743+20 {This is th'Imposthume of much wealth and peace,}

    ... . . . <b>dies.</b>] <sc>Stearns</sc> (1865, pp. 75-6): &lt;p. 75&gt;&#x201C;How Shakespeare may have acquired his medical knowledge it is, of course, impossible ...

    ... Aposthume: f. An <i>Imposthume</i>; an inward swelling full of corrupt matter.' Shakespeare uses the word in two other places, <i>Ven</i>., 743, and <i>Tro</i>. ...
516) Commentary Note for line 2743+22:
2743+22 {Why the man dies. I humbly thanke you sir.}

    ... n if other were wanting&#8212;that Hamlet's madness is sheer feigning, and that Shakespeare fully intended him to not only to be entirely in possession of his s ...
517) Commentary Note for line 2743+30:
2743+30 {Sure he that made vs with such large discourse} 2743+30

    ... ssive faculty: as in the nervous old French of Amyot in his Plutarch: with whom Shakespeare was much familiar.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1813<tab> </tab>v ...
518) Commentary Note for line 2743+34:
2743+34 {Bestiall obliuion, or some crauen scruple}

    ... craven</i> and a villain else.'&#8212;The verb to <i>craven</i> is also used by Shakespeare and others.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1864a<tab> </tab><sc>glo ...
519) Commentary Note for line 2743+42:
2743+42 {Led by a delicate and tender Prince,}

    ... uestions of honour. Polonius has punned on <i>tender</i> at 1.3.102-8 [569] and Shakespeare plays on 'tender heir' and 'tender chorl' in <i>Son</i> 1..&#x201D;< ...
520) Commentary Note for line 2743+47:
2743+47 {Euen for an Egge-shell. Rightly to be great,}

    ... eebles the antithesis.</para> <para>&#x201C;It seems clear that what Hamlet and Shakespeare are first asserting, even though the words do not precisely say this ...

    ... e has caused confusion to critics and actors alike. Critics have concluded that Shakespeare was &#8216;only half-saying what he meant.' Pope and Johnson and Mal ...

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