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730 to 739 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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730) Commentary Note for line 3831_383:
3831 Things standing thus vnknowne, shall {I leaue} <liue> behind me?
3832 If thou did'st euer hold me in thy hart,
3833 Absent thee from felicity a while,
    ... that Shake ...
731) Commentary Note for line 3838_384:
3838 Enter Osrick.
3839 Osr. Young Fortenbrasse with conquest come from Poland,
3840 To th'embassadors of England giues this warlike volly. 3840
    ... haps Shake ...
    ... oint Shake ...
732) Commentary Note for line 3841_384:
3841 Ham. O I die Horatio,
3842 The potent poyson quite ore-crowes my spirit,
3843 I cannot liue to heare the newes from England,
    ... bout Shake ...
733) Commentary Note for line 3846_384:
3846 So tell him, with th'occurrants more and lesse
3847 Which haue solicited, the rest is silence. < O, o, o, o. Dyes>
    ... b><i>Shake ...
    ... n <i>Shake ...
734) Commentary Note for line 3848_384:
3848-9 Hora. Now {cracks} <cracke> a noble hart, | good night sweete Prince,
    ... r on Shake ...
    ... r on Shake ...
    ... t of Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... ords Shake ...
    ... e by Shake ...
735) Commentary Note for line 3850:
3850 And flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.
    ... e to Shake ...
736) Commentary Note for line 3851_385:
3851 Why dooes the drum come hether?
3852 Enter Fortenbrasse, {with the Embassadors.} <and the English Ambassador, with Drumme,>
3853 <Colours, and Attendants.>
3854 For. Where is this sight?
    ... val, Shake ...
737) Commentary Note for line 3857:
3857 For. {This} <His> quarry cries on hauock, ô {prou'd} <proud> death
    ...  bei Shake ...
    ... n in Shake ...
    ... ood. Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
738) Commentary Note for line 3858:
3858 What feast is toward in thine eternall cell,
    ... hich Shake ...
    ... ough Shake ...
739) Commentary Note for line 3877:
3877 Of accidentall iudgements, casuall slaughters{,}
    ... . As Shake ...

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