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721 to 730 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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721) Commentary Note for line 3719_372:
3719-20 King. I doe not feare it, | I haue seene you both,
3721 But since he is {better} <better'd>, we haue therefore ods. 3721
    ...  the Shake ...
722) Commentary Note for line 3722_372:
3722-3 Laer. This is to heauy: | let me see another.
3724-5 Ham. This likes me well, | these foiles haue all a length. <Prepare to play.>
    ... hich Shake ...
723) Commentary Note for line 3731_373:
3731 The King shall drinke to Hamlets better breath,
3732 And in the cup an {Onixe} <vnion> shall he throwe,
    ... >New Shake ...
    ... ned, Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
724) Commentary Note for line 3746_374:
3746 Ostrick. A hit, a very palpable hit. {Drum, trumpets and shot.}
3747 Laer. Well, againe. {Florish, a peece goes off.}
    ... s of Shake ...
725) Commentary Note for line 3756_375:
3756 Quee. Hee's fat and scant of breath.
3757 {Heere Hamlet take my} <Heere's a> napkin rub thy browes,
3758 The Queene carowses to thy fortune Hamlet.
    ... ers, Shake ...
    ... hink Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
726) Commentary Note for line 3776_377:
3776 Laer. Haue at you now.
3777 <In scuffling they change Rapiers.>
    ... , <i>Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
727) Commentary Note for line 3791_379:
3791 Ham. O villanie, how let the doore be lock't, 3791
3792 Treachery, seeke it out.
    ... help Shake ...
728) Commentary Note for line 3819:
3819 That are but mutes, or audience to this act,
    ... , <i>Shake ...
729) Commentary Note for line 3825_382:
3825 Hora. Neuer belieue it;
3826 I am more an anticke Romaine then a Dane,
3827 Heere's yet some liquer left.
    ... tory Shake ...
730) Commentary Note for line 3831_383:
3831 Things standing thus vnknowne, shall {I leaue} <liue> behind me?
3832 If thou did'st euer hold me in thy hart,
3833 Absent thee from felicity a while,
    ... that Shake ...

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