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631 to 640 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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631) Commentary Note for line 3432:
3432 A ministring Angell shall my sister be
    ... g of Shake ...
632) Commentary Note for line 3434:
3434 Ham. What, the faire Ophelia.
    ...  But Shake ...
633) Commentary Note for lines 3436-37:
3436 I hop't thou should'st haue been my Hamlets wife,
3437 I thought thy bride-bed to haue deckt sweet maide,
    ... d in Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
634) Commentary Note for line 3444:
3444 <Leaps in the graue.>
    ... ing, Shake ...
    ... what Shake ...
    ...  But Shake ...
    ... let, Shake ...
635) Commentary Note for lines 3448-49:
3448 Of blew Olympus.
3449 Ham. What is he whose {griefe} <griefes>
    ...  but Shake ...
636) Commentary Note for line 3450:
3450 Beares such an emphesis, whose phrase of sorrow
    ... hat] Shake ...
637) Commentary Note for line 3452:
3452 Like wonder wounded hearers: this is I
    ... ent. Shake ...
638) Commentary Note for line 3453:
3453 Hamlet the Dane.
    ... t as Shake ...
    ... case Shake ...
639) Commentary Note for line 3457:
3457 {For} <Sir> though I am not spleenatiue <and> rash,
    ... , so Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
640) Commentary Note for line 3458:
3458 Yet haue I {in me something} <something in me> dangerous,
    ... that Shake ...

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