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71 to 80 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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71) Commentary Note for line 231:
231 Laer. {My dread} <Dread my> Lord,
72) Commentary Note for line 232:
232 Your leaue and fauour to returne to Fraunce,
73) Commentary Note for line 234:
234 To showe my dutie in your Coronation;
74) Commentary Note for line 237:
237 And bowe them to your gracious leaue and pardon.
75) Commentary Note for line 239:
238-9 King. Haue you your fathers leaue, | what saies Polonius?
76) Commentary Note for line 240:
240-240+1 Polo. <He> Hath my Lord {wroung from me my slowe leaue}
77) Commentary Note for line 240+1:
240-240+1 Polo. <He> Hath my Lord {wroung from me my slowe leaue}
78) Commentary Note for line 240+2:
240+2 {By laboursome petition, and at last}
79) Commentary Note for line 244:
244 But now my Cosin Hamlet, and my sonne.
80) Commentary Note for line 245:
245 Ham. A little more then kin, and lesse then kind.

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