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121 to 130 of 743 Entries from All Files for "shakespeare " in All Fields

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121) Commentary Note for line 418:
418 Ham. {Indeede} <Indeed, indeed> Sirs but this troubles me,
122) Commentary Note for line 420:
420 {All} <Both>. We doe my Lord.
123) Commentary Note for line 426:
426 Hora. O yes my Lord, he wore his beauer vp.
124) Commentary Note for line 448:
448 Let it be {tenable} <treble> in your silence still,
125) Commentary Note for line 456:
456 My fathers spirit (in armes) all is not well,
126) Commentary Note for line 457:
457 I doubt some foule play, would the night were come,
127) Commentary Note for line 462:
462 Laer. My necessaries are {inbarckt} <imbark't>, farwell,
128) Commentary Note for line 463:
463 And sister, as the winds giue benefit
129) Commentary Note for line 464:
464 And {conuay, in} <Conuoy is> assistant doe not sleepe
130) Commentary Note for line 465:
465 But let me heere from you.

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