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711 to 720 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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711) Commentary Note for line 2456+2:
2456+2 {Eares without hands, or eyes, smelling sance all,}
    ...  really French is found rather often in Shakespeare in place of <i>without</i> w ...
    ... nglish pronunciation. It may be seen by Shakespeare's example, how great the att ...
712) Commentary Note for line 2458:
2458 If thou canst mutine in a Matrons bones,
    ... ch verbal = sich emp&#246;ren.&#x201D; [Shakespeare uses the archaic form <i>mut ...
    ...  &#8216;mutine' does not occur again in Shakespeare. We have however &#8216;muti ...
713) Commentary Note for line 2460:
2460 And melt in her owne fire, proclaime no shame 2460
    ... to quasi-formal public announcements in Shakespeare, as when Cinna in <i>JC </i> ...
714) Commentary Note for line 2469:
2469 In the ranck sweat of an inseemed bed
    ... ;p.543&gt; &#x201C;Mr. Theobald, in his Shakespear. restored, p.104. hath restor ...
    ... s passage in the valuable essay: <i>New Shakespearian Interpretaitons</i>, Edin. ...
    ... animal fat' (Dover Wilson suggests that Shakespeare drew unwittingly on early me ...
715) Commentary Note for line 2484:
2484 Saue me and houer ore me with your wings
    ... /p.69&gt;&lt;p.70&gt; Rowe's edition of Shakespeare, 1709, and it is no doubt of ...
716) Commentary Note for line 2487:
2487 Ham. Doe you not come your tardy sonne to chide,
    ... 982:122 [in <i>The Literary Language of Shakespeare</i>. London: Longaman]. In a ...
    ... hers and sons ([1870] 1972:154 [in <i>A Shakespearian grammar</i>. Revised and e ...
717) Commentary Note for line 2491:
2491 Is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose,
    ... edy of revenge, are <i>not</i>, even in Shakespeare, really significant of the h ...
718) Commentary Note for line 2494:
2494 Conceit in weakest bodies strongest workes,
    ... nd <sc>Craik's</sc> note (<i>English of Shakespeare</i>, p. 135).&#x201D;</para> ...
719) Commentary Note for line 2502:
2502 Your bedded haire like life in excrements
    ... ed. 1733): &#x201C;I took Notice, in my SHAKESPEARE <i>restor'd</i>, that this E ...
    ... 53, p. 143): &#x201C;In the <i>Variorum Shakespeare</i>, on the word &#8216;<i>e ...
    ... e Merchant of Venice </i>to demonstrate Shakespeare's familiarity with the psych ...
    ... taken on a narrower meaning by then. Of Shakespeare's six uses of the word, four ...
720) Commentary Note for line 2514:
2514 {Ger.}<Qu.> Nothing at all, yet all that is I see.
    ... nd Elizabethan precedent (see Stoll, <i>Shakespeare Studies</i>, pp. 211-13) as  ...
    ... er hear nor see anything'.  The obvious Shakespearean comparison is with <i>Mac< ...

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