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661 to 670 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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661) Commentary Note for line 2333:
2333 In the corrupted currents of this world,
    ... tter could be found, I am persuaded  <i>Shakespeare</i> wrote &#8216;In the <i>c ...
    ... at confusion of metaphor so frequent in Shakespeare. Compare [3.1.58-9 (1713-4)] ...
    ... But it is not at all necessarily right. Shakespeare has metaphors quite as hasty ...
    ... onfusion, that is a frequent feature of Shakespeare's teeming imagery and there  ...
662) Commentary Note for line 2334:
2334 Offences {guilded} <gilded> hand may {showe} <shoue> by iustice,
    ... um</i> <i>potabile </i>of the chymists. Shakespeare, at least, has combined the  ...
    ... ws F here; <i>shove by</i> is unique in Shakespeare, but see the Archbishop of Y ...
663) Commentary Note for line 2335:
2335 And oft tis seene the wicked prize it selfe 2335
    ... > Singer is &#x201C;vindicating&#x201D; Shakespeare from &#x201C;the interpolati ...
664) Commentary Note for line 2337:
2337 There is no shufling, there the action lies
    ... sc>Wright</sc> (ed. 1872): &#x201C;Here Shakespeare uses the word in its legal s ...
    ... eal enormity. The Cl. Pr. Edd. say that Shakespeare here uses lies in its legal  ...
665) Commentary Note for line 2338:
2338 In his true nature, and we our selues compeld
    ...  1877): &#x201C;<sc>Wordsworth</sc> (<i>Shakespeare's Knowledge of the Bible</i> ...
666) Commentary Note for line 2342:
2342 Yet what can it, when one cannot repent?
    ... his nonsense even exceeds the last.  <i>Shakespear</i> wrote, &#8216;<i>Yet what ...
    ... n twigs, affords a frequent metaphor in Shakespeare.  The idea here was proverbi ...
    ... tances in Tilley B 380. Battenhouse (<i>Shakespn. Trag.</i>, pp. 377-8) shows it ...
667) Commentary Note for line 2344:
2344 O limed soule, that struggling to be free,
    ... x201C;This alludes to <i>bird-lime.</i> Shakespeare uses the same again, <i>2H6< ...
    ...  a common figure for any sort of snare. Shakespeare often uses it so.&#x201D;</p ...
668) Commentary Note for line 2345:
2345 Art more ingaged; helpe Angels make assay, 2345
    ... 9): &#x201C;trial; but assay is used by Shakespeare, <i>H5</i> [1.2.151 (298)],  ...
669) Commentary Note for line 2348:
2348 All may be well.
    ... truggle, though baffled' (Coleridge, <i>Shakespearean Criticism</i>, ed. T.M. Ra ...
670) Commentary Note for line 2349:
2349 Enter Hamlet.
    ... xtravagance of the idea may have struck Shakespeare, and he may have purposely p ...
    ... n work; but I do venture to assert that Shakespeare did not intend us to believe ...

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