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931 to 940 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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931) Commentary Note for line 3129:
3129 Requite him for your Father.
    ... d scenes, as far as Shakespeare is conce ...
932) Commentary Note for line 3131:
3131 And for <that> purpose, Ile annoynt my sword.
    ...  I acknowledge that Shakespeare evidentl ...
    ...  death, in all that Shakespeare has here ...
933) Commentary Note for line 3132:
3132 I bought an vnction of a Mountibanck
    ... re, as generally in Shakespeare,<i> mort ...
    ... her places in which Shakespeare uses it  ...
934) Commentary Note for line 3134:
3134 Where it drawes blood, no Cataplasme so rare,
    ... 1C;not elsewhere in Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
935) Commentary Note for line 3146:
3146 If this {did} <should> blast in proofe; soft let me see,
    ... rase still in use.  Shakespeare perhaps  ...
936) Commentary Note for line 3150:
3150 And that he calls for drinke, Ile haue {prefard} <prepar'd> him
    ... a lesson at once in Shakespearian dictio ...
    ... ing is unmatched in Shakespeare's 46 ins ...
    ... [<i>New Readings in Shakespeare</i>, 195 ...
937) Commentary Note for line 3151:
3151 A Challice for the nonce, whereon but sipping,
    ... ed several times by Shakespeare, and sti ...
    ... gomena and Notes on Shakespeare</i> [BL  ...
938) Commentary Note for line 3152:
3152 If he by chaunce escape your venom'd stuck,
    ... o or three times in Shakespeare; and is  ...
    ... 1.? (0000)]. See <i>Shakespeare-Lexicon< ...
939) Commentary Note for line 3156:
3156 So fast {they} <they'l> follow; your Sisters drownd Laertes.
    ... ugh it would lessen Shakespeare's origin ...
940) Commentary Note for line 3158:
3158 Quee. There is a Willow growes {ascaunt the} <aslant a> Brooke
    ... t either this is <i>Shakespear's</i> , o ...
    ... > , was wrote by <i>Shakespear</i>  , bu ...
    ... good writing, which Shakespeare could no ...
    ... rbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellsc ...
    ... y]  F[ox]. <i>About Shakespeare ad his P ...
    ... a lesson at once in Shakespearian dictio ...
    ... han dramatic. It is Shakespeare the poet ...
    ...  speaks rather than Shakespeare the dram ...
    ... ardly have supplied Shakespeare with his ...
    ... ion is one to which Shakespeare's mind r ...
    ...  be misconstrued as Shakespearean incons ...
    ... count of her death. Shakespeare's concep ...
    ...  Sternfeld Music in Shakespearean Traged ...

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