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771 to 780 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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771) Commentary Note for line 2593:
2593 {Ger.}<Qu.> Mad as the {sea} <Seas> and wind when both contend
    ... i>.&#x201D; [One of Shakespeare's favori ...
772) Commentary Note for line 2596:
2596 {Whyps out his Rapier,} <He whips his Rapier out, and> cryes a Rat, a Rat,
    ... rts not merely from Shakespeare's words  ...
773) Commentary Note for line 2597:
2597 And in {this} <his> brainish apprehension kills
    ...  not occur again in Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
774) Commentary Note for line 2605:
2605 Should haue kept short, restraind, and out of haunt 2605
    ... three times used by Shakespeare in the s ...
775) Commentary Note for line 2612:
2612 Ore whom, his very madnes like some ore
    ... hnson suspects that Shakespeare mistook  ...
    ...  may be peculiar to Shakespeare, but <i> ...
    ... g for <i>ore</i> in Shakespeare except & ...
    ...  [precious] metal. 'Shakespeare seems to ...
776) Commentary Note for line 2613:
2613 Among a minerall of mettals base,
    ... , in this sense, in Shakespeare. Joseph  ...
777) Commentary Note for line 2625:
2625 Into the Chappell; I pray you hast in this, <Exit Gent.> 2625
    ... s look again at the Shakespearian blank: ...
    ... pending on the true Shakespearian blank. ...
778) Commentary Note for line 2626:
2626 Come Gertrard, wee'le call vp our wisest friends,
    ... it is often used by Shakespeare, would s ...
779) Commentary Note for line 2628:
2628 And whats vntimely doone,
    ... he very Stamp of <i>SHAKESPEARE</i> upon ...
    ... Sentiment of our <i>SHAKESPEARE</i>.  Th ...
    ...  these Verses in my SHAKESPEARE <i>resto ...
    ... he very Stamp of <i>Shakespeare</i> upon ...
    ...  these Verses in my SHAKESPEARE <i>resto ...
    ... he very Stamp of <i>Shakespeare</i> upon ...
    ... r to any student of Shakespeare, as favo ...
    ... er.&#x201D; &#8211; Shakespeare again ex ...
    ...  Quartos. In his <i>Shakespeare Restored ...
    ... it is often used by Shakespeare, would s ...
    ... elieve though, that Shakespeare wrote, a ...
    ... ns suggest that the Shakespearean word c ...
    ... in other words that Shakespeare himself  ...
    ... can never know what Shakespeare wrote he ...
    ... slander is at least Shakespearean. He of ...
    ... is a favourite with Shakespeare to descr ...
780) Commentary Note for line 2628+1:
2628+1 {Whose whisper ore the worlds dyameter,} 2628+1
    ... er.&#x201D; &#8211; Shakespeare again ex ...
    ... equally likely that Shakespeare delibera ...

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