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741 to 750 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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741) Commentary Note for line 2546+2:
2546+2 {And either the deuill, or throwe him out} 2546+2
    ... 2;Sidney Walker (<i>Shakespeare's Versif ...
    ...  (Walker, in his <i>Shakespeare's Versif ...
    ...  I now suppose that Shakespeare wrote: & ...
    ...  of the writings of Shakespeare which ha ...
    ... ably, may have been Shakespeare's &lt;/p ...
    ...  old proverb, which Shakespeare quotes e ...
    ... upon a verb used by Shakespeare himself, ...
    ...  was printed during Shakespeare's life;  ...
    ... kness of that older Shakespearian schola ...
    ... c>X,</sc> 427-8; <i>Shakespeare: Some No ...
    ... n (e.g. Ingleby, <i>Shakespeare Hermeneu ...
    ... sitor's fault; that Shakespeare had not  ...
    ... oint, or, possibly, Shakespeare failed t ...
    ... used three times by Shakespeare in <i>1H ...
742) Commentary Note for line 2547:
2547 And when you are desirous to be blest,
    ... ' In both instances Shakespeare draws on ...
743) Commentary Note for line 2549:
2549 I doe repent; but heauen hath pleasd it so
    ... ed as plural. . . . Shakespeare&#8212;wi ...
    ... d in this manner by Shakespeare himself  ...
    ... ; is accordant with Shakespeare's usage  ...
    ... ccurs frequently in Shakespeare, <i>e.g. ...
744) Commentary Note for line 2550:
2550 To punish me with this, and this with me, {I4v}
    ... ore in the style of Shakespeare than the ...
745) Commentary Note for line 2551:
2551 That I must be their scourge and minister, 2551
    ... 1C;For instances of Shakespeare's use of ...
    ... ment see Sisson, <i>Shakespeare's Tragic ...
    ... .W. Dent argues (<i>Shakespeare Quarterl ...
746) Commentary Note for line 2554:
2554 I must be cruell only to be kinde,
    ... ageous license with Shakespeare seems to ...
    ... ne and the order of Shakespeare's langua ...
747) Commentary Note for line 2556:
2556 {Ger.}<Qu.> What shall I doe?
    ... ility (elsewhere in Shakespeare, 'custom ...
748) Commentary Note for line 2558:
2558 Let the {blowt} <blunt> King temp't you againe to bed,
    ... s it is peculiar to Shakespeare. To <i>b ...
    ... ering the fact that Shakespeare stands a ...
749) Commentary Note for line 2559:
2559 Pinch wanton on your cheeke, call you his Mouse,
    ... ars frequently with Shakespeare's contem ...
    ... ndearment common in Shakespeare's day; c ...
    ... c. (<i>Memoirs</i>, Shakespeare Soc., pp ...
    ... nd and wife, though Shakespeare's Rosali ...
750) Commentary Note for line 2560:
2560 And let him for a paire of reechie kisses, 2560
    ...  and signifies with Shakespear <i>sweaty ...
    ...  sooty. In any case Shakespeare wanted t ...

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