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571 to 580 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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571) Commentary Note for line 2023:
2023 Enter King and <his>Queene.
    ... very Place where <i>Shakespeare</i> has  ...
    ... until long since <i>Shakespeare's</i> Ti ...
    ... #8212;<i>The Age of Shakespeare</i> (190 ...
    ... is [archaic] style, Shakespeare delibera ...
572) Commentary Note for line 2024:
2024 King. Full thirtie times hath Phebus cart gone round
    ... t every place where Shakespeare has atte ...
    ... nd until long since Shakespeare's time.& ...
    ... nymous</sc> (<i>New Shakespeare Society' ...
573) Commentary Note for line 2026:
2026 And thirtie dosen Moones with borrowed sheene
    ...  it adjectively, as Shakespeare has done ...
    ... t substantively, as Shakespeare does in  ...
574) Commentary Note for line 2034:
2034 That I distrust you, yet though I distrust,
    ... nt. In the same way Shakespeare uses <i> ...
    ... , in this sense, in Shakespeare)&#x201D; ...
575) Commentary Note for line 2035+1:
2035+1 {For women feare too much, euen as they loue,} 2035+1{H2}
    ... hat the Qq. give us Shakespeare's first  ...
    ... tely crossed out by Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
    ...  a 'false start' by Shakespeare, or it m ...
576) Commentary Note for line 2036:
2036 {And} <For> womens feare and loue {hold} <holds> quantitie,
    ...  expression used by Shakespeare (see Not ...
    ... ly a false start on Shakespeare's part,  ...
577) Commentary Note for line 2039+1:
2039+1 {Where loue is great, the litlest doubts are feare,} 2039+1
    ... ars nowhere else in Shakespeare; he alwa ...
578) Commentary Note for line 2041:
2041 My operant powers {their} <my> functions leaue to do,
    ... rant</i> is active. Shakespeare gives it ...
    ...  instead of active. Shakespeare gives it ...
    ... he one other use in Shakespeare of the w ...
    ... word seems to be a  Shakespearian coinag ...
579) Commentary Note for line 2050:
2050 <Bapt.> The instances that second marriage moue wormwood
    ... th great laxity, by Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
    ... second marriage. In Shakespeare the word ...
    ... ed centuries before Shakespeare's time.< ...
580) Commentary Note for line 2051:
2051 Are base respects of thrift, but none of loue, 2051
    ... ns</i>, as usual in Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
    ... a common meaning in Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...

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