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561 to 570 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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561) Commentary Note for line 1962:
1962 Ros. I my Lord, they stay vpon your patience.
    ... i>pleasure</i>; but Shakespeare has agai ...
    ... i>pleasure</i>; but Shakespeare ahs it i ...
562) Commentary Note for line 1966:
1966 Ham. Lady shall I lie in your lap?
    ...  This fashion which Shakespeare probably ...
    ... et; see Dr Ingleby, Shakespeare's Centur ...
    ...  stage accounts for Shakespeare placing  ...
563) Commentary Note for line 1970:
1970 Ham. Doe you thinke I meant country matters?
    ... nable of the age of Shakespeare.' It app ...
    ... r &#8216;the age of Shakespeare,' they w ...
    ... s doubtless used in Shakespeare's day as ...
564) Commentary Note for lines 1978-79:
1978-9 Ham. O God your onely Iigge-maker, what should | a man do but
    ... >jig</i> was not in Shakespeare's time a ...
    ... hat a <i>jig </i>in Shakespeare's time w ...
    ... re as before (123), Shakespere would sho ...
565) Commentary Note for lines 1980-81:
1980-1 father died within's two | howres.
    ... sis of the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays  ...
566) Commentary Note for lines 1983-85:
1983-4 Ham. So long, nay then let the deule weare blacke, | for Ile haue a
1984-5 sute of sables; ô heauens, die two mo|nths agoe, and not forgotten yet,
    ... complete edition of Shakespear.  In this ...
    ... d display.   Yet is Shakespeare had mean ...
567) Commentary Note for lines 2004-05:
2004-5 Ham. Marry this <is> {munching} <Miching> Mallico, {it} <that> meanes | mischiefe.
    ... nd in this sense <i>Shakespear </i>uses  ...
    ... tes on the Plays of Shakespeare&#x201D;) ...
    ... xplanatory Notes on Shakespeare  (p. 296 ...
    ... t, why might not <i>Shakespeare </i>have ...
    ...  and so intended by Shakespeare; who, in ...
    ... the twenty plays of Shakespeare, in the  ...
    ... ed into the text of Shakespeare.</para>  ...
    ... ed into the text of Shakespeare</para> < ...
    ... rb in common use in Shakespeare's time;  ...
    ... rb in common use in Shakespeare's time;  ...
    ... b> </tab><i><sc>new shakespeare society< ...
    ... >Anon</sc>. (<i>New Shakespeare Society' ...
    ... evous skulker, that Shakespeare uses the ...
    ... either in or out of Shakespeare is no un ...
568) Commentary Note for lines 2011-12:
2011-2 Ham. I, or any show that you will show him, be not | you asham'd
    ... nable of the age of Shakespeare, which w ...
569) Commentary Note for lines 2014-15:
2014-5 Oph. You are naught, you are naught, Ile mark the | play.
    ... s sometimes used by Shakespeare, as it s ...
570) Commentary Note for line 2020:
2020 Ham. Is this a Prologue, or the posie of a ring?
    ... ens of rings of the Shakesperian period. ...

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