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491 to 500 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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491) Commentary Note for lines 1627-8:
1627-8 And fall a cursing like a very drabbe; | a {stallyon,} <Scullion?> fie vppont, foh.
    ...  I am persuaded, <i>Shakespeare</i>  wro ...
    ... ding to Dr Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon  ...
    ... one more passage in Shakespeare where th ...
492) Commentary Note for line 1629:
1629 That guilty creatures sitting at a play,
    ...  &#x201C;'Tis plain Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... is probable that <i>Shakespeare </i>had  ...
    ... C;&#8216;'Tis plain Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ...  <i>Observations on Shakespeare</i>, p.  ...
    ... 16;lately' acted by Shakespear's company ...
    ... ps the influence of Shakespeare as well  ...
493) Commentary Note for line 1632:
1632 They haue proclaim'd their malefactions:
    ... , reprinted for the Shakespeare Society, ...
494) Commentary Note for line 1634:
1634 With most miraculous organ: Ile haue these Players
    ... a Murther, which <i>Shakespeare</i> is m ...
    ... in to wonder how <i>Shakespeare</i> coul ...
    ... >; and in short, <i>Shakespeare</i> will ...
    ... rs, at least, of <i>Shakespeare</i>: and ...
    ... <i>Parricide</i> <i>Shakespeare</i> has  ...
    ... m.' &#8212; This <i>Shakespeare</i> knew ...
495) Commentary Note for line 1637:
1637 Ile tent him to the quicke, if a {doe} <but> blench
    ... s in other plays of Shakespeare, and the ...
    ... ed. 1865): &#x201C; Shakespeare seems to ...
496) Commentary Note for line 1641:
1641 Out of my weakenes, and my melancholy,
    ...  is a common one in Shakespeare, this is ...
497) Commentary Note for line 1644:
1644 More relatiue then this, the play's the thing
    ... gested the scene to Shakespere himself,  ...
    ...  4): &#x201C;Though Shakespeare was not  ...
    ... the reader's time.--Shakespeare, we see, ...
    ... ragement he gave to Shakespeare, might b ...
    ... ties.  We know that Shakespeare assisted ...
    ... ; used only here by Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
498) Commentary Note for lines 1650-1:
1650 Grating so harshly all his dayes of quiet
1651 With turbulent and dangerous lunacie?
    ... .18.   Elsewhere in Shakespeare the verb ...
499) Commentary Note for line 1661:
1661 Ros. Niggard of question, but of our demaunds
    ...  cross-purposes. <i>Shakespear </i>certa ...
    ... by <i>question,</i> Shakespeare does not ...
    ... ly conjectured that Shakespeare wrote th ...
    ...  change places. But Shakespeare probably ...
    ... t in the English of Shakespeare's day th ...
    ... exactly agrees with Shakespeare's portra ...
    ... ces of madness does Shakespeare allow hi ...
500) Commentary Note for line 1663:
1663 Quee. Did you assay him to any pastime?
    ... ds is frequent w.th Shakespear; the King ...

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