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481 to 490 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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481) Commentary Note for line 1530:
1530 On {Marses Armor} <Mars his Armours,> forg'd for proofe eterne, 1530
    ... erne</i> is used by Shakespeare in Macbe ...
482) Commentary Note for line 1533:
1533 Out, out, thou strumpet Fortune, all you gods,
    ... y the noise. But <i>Shakespeare</i> does ...
    ...  &#x201C;Limb of <i>Shakespeare.</i>&#x2 ...
    ... >  <para>&#x201C;<i>Shakespeare</i> had  ...
483) Commentary Note for line 1537:
1537 As lowe as to the fiends.
    ... dramatic diction of Shakespeare's own di ...
    ... the drama.   But if Shakespeare had made ...
484) Commentary Note for lines 1540-41:
1540-1 for a Iigge, or a tale of bawdry, or he | sleepes, say on, come to Hecuba.
    ... , III. i. 14-15).   Shakespeare in some  ...
    ... seems to anticipate Shakespeare, she is  ...
    ... s' bloody sword'.   Shakespeare's unique ...
485) Commentary Note for line 1542:
1542 {Player} < 1. Play>. But who, {a woe} <O who>, had seene the {mobled} <inobled> Queene,
    ... a>Have no doubt but Shakespear wrote Mab ...
    ... critical readers of Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
    ... probably archaic in Shakespeare's time.  ...
486) Commentary Note for line 1547:
1547 With Bison rehume, a clout {vppon} <about> that head
    ... is past belief that Shakespeare should h ...
487) Commentary Note for line 1607:
1607 A dull and muddy metteld raskall peake,
    ...  it improbable that Shakespeare's text s ...
    ...   Used once more by Shakespeare, in Macb ...
488) Commentary Note for line 1608:
1608 Like Iohn-a-dreames, vnpregnant of my cause,
    ... ly reprinted by the Shakespeare Society, ...
489) Commentary Note for lines 1610-11:
1610 Vpon whose property and most deare life,
1611 A damn'd defeate was made: am I a coward,
    ... y the old writers.  Shakespeare  in anot ...
    ... y the old writers.  Shakespeare in anoth ...
490) Commentary Note for line 1624:
1624 That I the sonne of {a} <the> deere murthered,
    ...  the phraseology of Shakespeare's time.& ...

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