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451 to 460 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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451) Commentary Note for line 1392:
1392 < Ham. What are they Children? Who maintains 'em?>
    ... /i>. I must own, <i>Shakesepare</i> is n ...
    ... ;part in the choir. Shakespeare alludes  ...
    ... ll>passane</small>. Shakespeare aimed at ...
452) Commentary Note for lines 1400-2:
1400 <and the Nation holds it no sinne, to tarre them to Con->
1401 <trouersie. There was for a while, no mony bid for argu->
1402 <ment, vnlesse the Poet and the Player went to Cuffes in>
    ... d so, I observe, <i>Shakespeare</i> in o ...
453) Commentary Note for line 1408:
1408 < Rosin. I that they do my Lord, Hercules & his load too.>
    ... f we may accept it, Shakespeare's word-p ...
454) Commentary Note for lines 1410-11:
1410-1 those that would make {mouths} <mowes> at him | while my father liued, giue
    ... f the folio is more Shakesperian--- as i ...
455) Commentary Note for lines 1411-12:
1411-2 twenty, fortie, {fifty,} a hundred | duckets a peece, for his Picture
    ... g after the time of Shakespeare: so in S ...
456) Commentary Note for lines 1419-20:
1419-20 mee comply with you in {this} <the> garb: | {let me} <lest my> extent to the players,
    ... >ostent, </i>a word Shakespeare not unfr ...
457) Commentary Note for lines 1425-6:
1425-6 Ham. I am but mad North North west; when the | wind is Sou-
1426 therly, I knowe a Hauke, from a hand saw.
    ...  old as the time of Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
    ... bial in the time of Shakespeare.</para>  ...
    ... lent in the time of Shakespeare.&#x201D; ...
    ... ,' was a proverb in Shakespeare's time.  ...
    ... ;In Mr. Donbavand's Shakespeare emendati ...
    ... heronsew</i>, hence Shakespeare's line m ...
    ... how distinctly that Shakespeare, in the  ...
    ... n Falconry to which Shakespeare might ha ...
    ...  as quotations from Shakespeare) have be ...
    ... ally represented by Shakespeare as a win ...
    ... e phrase as used by Shakespeare, whateve ...
    ... i> II. iv. 161) led Shakespeare to <i>ha ...
458) Commentary Note for line 1428:
1428 Pol. Well be with you Gentlemen.
    ... gular verb is quite Shakespearian in &#8 ...
459) Commentary Note for lines 1444-6:
1444-5 Pol. The best actors in the world, either for Trage|die, Comedy,
1445-6 History, Pastorall, {Pastorall} <Pastoricall-> Comicall, | Historicall Pastorall,
    ...  the age, if not of Shakespeare's, that  ...
    ... e Company, to which Shakespeare belonged ...
    ... n important fact in Shakespeare's biogra ...
    ... 201C;For his part,  Shakespeare wrote pa ...
    ...  hard evidence that Shakespeare concerne ...
460) Commentary Note for lines 1446-7:
1446-7 <Tragicall-Historicall: Tragicall-|Comicall-Historicall-Pastorall:> scene
    ...  the age, if not of Shakespeare's, that  ...
    ...  the age, if not of Shakespeare, that an ...
    ... he Gothic drama, as Shakespeare found an ...

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