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431 to 440 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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431) Commentary Note for lines 1243-4:
1243-4 Pol. Though this be madnesse, | yet there is method in't, will you
    ... rbal echo of a play Shakespeare is known ...
    ... her answers!'   Did Shakespeare then pla ...
432) Commentary Note for lines 1247-8:
1247-8 Pol. Indeede that's out of the ayre; | how pregnant sometimes
    ... in the Quarto 1601. Shakespeare acted in ...
433) Commentary Note for lines 1273-4:
1273-4 Guyl. Happy, in that we are not {euer} <ouer->happy on For|tunes {lap} <Cap>,
    ... y well be asked, if Shakespeare had not  ...
    ... rbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellsc ...
434) Commentary Note for line 1285:
1285 <Let me question more in particular: what haue>
    ... as it or was it not Shakespere?  Beyond  ...
    ... nd a doubt they are Shakespere's all.  T ...
    ... those omitted?  Was Shakespere incapable ...
435) Commentary Note for lines 1304-5:
1304 <very substance of the Ambitious, is meerely the shadow>
1305 <of a Dreame.>
    ...  of a shadow</i>.'  Shakespeare applies  ...
    ... 1877): &#x201C;Here Shakespeare plays wi ...
436) Commentary Note for lines 1309-12:
1309 < Ham. Then are our Beggers bodies; and our Mo->
1310 <narchs and out-stretcht Heroes the Beggers Shadowes:> 1310
1311 <shall wee to th'Court: for, by my fey I cannot rea->
1312 <son?>
    ...  1765):  &#x201C;<i>Shakespeare </i>seem ...
    ... ohnson thought that Shakespeare designed ...
437) Commentary Note for lines 1337-8:
1337-8 Ham. Nay then I haue an eye of you? if you loue me | hold not of.
    ... ich, in the time of Shakespeare, the pre ...
438) Commentary Note for lines 1342-3:
1342-3 ther, I haue of late, but wherefore | I knowe not, lost all my mirth,
    ... ra>&#x201C;At first Shakespeare used pro ...
    ...  construction about Shakespeare's prose  ...
439) Commentary Note for lines 1343-4:
1343-4 forgon all custome of ex|ercises: and indeede it goes so {heauily} <heauenly> with
    ... n hardly doubt that Shakespeare was acqu ...
440) Commentary Note for lines 1344-5:
1344-5 my dispositi|on, that this goodly frame the earth, seemes to mee a
    ...  suggested that the Shakespearean imager ...
    ... seems unlikely that Shakespeare needed s ...
    ...  994-6).   As often Shakespeare achieves ...

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