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421 to 430 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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421) Commentary Note for lines 1137-39:
1137 To the Celestiall and my soules Idoll, the most beau-
1137-9 tified O|phelia,| that's an ill phrase, a {vile} <vilde> phrase,
    ... <para>&#x201C;As <i>Shakespeare  </i>has ...
    ... <para>&#x201C;As <i>Shakespeare  </i>has ...
    ... ations to ladies in Shakespere's time:-- ...
    ... y Elizabeth Carey;' Shakespeare uses it  ...
    ... bert Greene charged Shakespeare with hav ...
    ... indiscriminately in Shakespeare's time;  ...
    ... 9): &#x201C;used by Shakespeare in <i>Tw ...
    ... .' Greene described Shakespeare in a vil ...
    ... 2):  &#x201C;Though Shakespeare several  ...
    ... vagant ; and though Shakespeare sees it  ...
    ... C;The evidence that Shakespeare was insu ...
    ... ch was exactly what Shakespeare had been ...
422) Commentary Note for lines 1144-45:
1144 Doubt thou the starres are fire, {Letter.}
1145 Doubt that the Sunne doth moue,
    ...  in the writings of Shakespeare's time,  ...
423) Commentary Note for lines 1165-66:
1165 If I had playd the Deske, or Table booke,
1166 Or giuen my hart a {working} <winking> mute and dumbe,
    ...  a common word with Shakespeare for any  ...
    ... ), which is equally Shakespearean and be ...
424) Commentary Note for line 1170:
1170 Lord Hamlet is a Prince out of thy star,
    ... tarre&#8212;Perhaps Shakespeare wrote st ...
    ... aled, however, that Shakespeare does not ...
    ...  eight years before Shakespeare's death, ...
425) Commentary Note for line 1174:
1174 Which done, she tooke the fruites of my aduise:
    ... ding is corrupt. <i>Shakespear </i>wrote ...
426) Commentary Note for lines 1192-93:
1192-3 Pol. You know sometimes | he walkes foure houres together
    ...  edition of his <i> Shakespeare,</i> &#8 ...
    ... the merest tiros in Shakespearean litera ...
    ... r expression in the Shakespeare-Jahrbuch ...
    ... cious. But Elze (<i>Shakespeare Jahrbuch ...
427) Commentary Note for lines 1218-19:
1218-9 Ham. For if the sunne breede maggots in a dead dogge, | being a
    ... th Mr. Malone, that Shakespeare had not  ...
    ... and the Sun &amp;c, Shakespeare would ha ...
    ... inion, to show that Shakespeare intended ...
    ... r <i>Backgrounds of Shakespeare's Though ...
428) Commentary Note for lines 1219-20:
1219-20 good kissing carrion. | Haue you a daughter?
    ... ne spirit of the <i>Shakesperian manner< ...
    ... ons without the due Shakespearian refere ...
    ... .  He observes that Shakespeare &#8216;h ...
    ...  of a Commentary on Shakespeare,' p.157) ...
    ... ated curiosities of Shakespearian litera ...
    ... critic remarks that Shakespeare 'had an  ...
    ... ughts to the Poet.  Shakespeare, it is t ...
    ... inion, to show that Shakespeare intended ...
    ... l as being possibly Shakespeare's) : 'Th ...
    ... it of expression as Shakespeare exhibits ...
    ... than it expresses.  Shakespeare uses it  ...
    ... lf good enough; but Shakespere meant wha ...
    ...  See by Ingleby, <i>Shakespeare Hermeneu ...
    ... ve been familiar to Shakespeare.  The fa ...
    ... eigh (<i>Johnson on Shakespeare</i>, p.  ...
429) Commentary Note for lines 1230-2:
1230 Ham. Words, words, words.
1231 Pol. What is the matter my Lord.
1232 Ham. Betweene who.
    ... <i>whom</i>; but <i>Shakespeare</i> was  ...
430) Commentary Note for lines 1234-5:
1234-5 Ham. Slaunders sir; for the satericall {rogue} <slaue> sayes heere, | that old
    ... hardly believe that Shakespeare was able ...
    ...  whether printed in Shakespeare's time.  ...
    ...  1778): &#x201C;Had Shakespeare read Juv ...
    ... <i>latter</i>, that Shakespeare could no ...
    ... r it was printed in Shakespeare's time.  ...
    ...  once for all, that Shakespeare wrote fo ...
    ...  note to prove that Shakespear never rea ...
    ... n will have it that Shakespeare means Ju ...
    ...  it  was printed in Shakespeares's time. ...
    ... hout attributing to Shakespeare any unus ...
    ... /sc>(ed. 1982): "If Shakespeare had mean ...

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