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411 to 420 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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411) Commentary Note for line 1030:
1030 I cannot {dreame} <deeme> of: I entreate you both
    ... d not improbably so Shakespeare wrote.&# ...
412) Commentary Note for line 1051:
1051 And heere giue vp our selues in the full bent,
    ... e too well known in Shakespear's time to ...
    ... latter is more like Shakespere.&#x201D;< ...
413) Commentary Note for line 1081:
1081 His fathers death, and our <o're->hastie marriage.
    ... >Licence of </i><sc>shakespeare</sc>'s < ...
414) Commentary Note for line 1092:
1092 Was falsly borne in hand, sends out arrests
    ... ed several times by Shakespeare, Macbeth ...
    ... able to the verb in Shakespeare's time.& ...
415) Commentary Note for line 1098:
1098 Giues him {threescore}<three> thousand crownes in anuall fee,
    ... i>License</i> of <i>Shakespeare's</i> Nu ...
416) Commentary Note for lines 1106-08:
1106 King. It likes vs well,
1107 And at our more considered time, wee'le read,
1108 Answer, and thinke vpon this busines:
    ... s to be supposed <i>Shakespeare</i> wrot ...
    ... rs, Souldiers</i>). Shakespeare does now ...
417) Commentary Note for line 1109:
1109 Meane time, we thanke you for your well tooke labour,
    ... iciple is common in Shakespeare.  See Tw ...
418) Commentary Note for lines 1112-13:
1112 Pol. This busines is <very> well ended.
1113 My Liege and Maddam, to expostulate
    ... .  It is certain <i>Shakespear</i>  exce ...
    ... rable preface to <i>Shakespear</i>) <i>w ...
    ... tions</i>  which <i>Shakespear</i>  make ...
    ... e Pope, speaking of Shakespeare, had sai ...
    ... e Chamberlains. And Shakespeare <small>n ...
    ... l>titles</small> of Shakespeare's plays  ...
    ... the story of Jonson Shakespeare and the  ...
    ... ot to expostulate.' Shakespeare also use ...
    ... rbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellsc ...
    ... ndon (The School of Shakespeare, ed. R.  ...
    ... ccurs five times in Shakespeare, which a ...
419) Commentary Note for lines 1117-18:
1117 Therefore <since> breuitie is the soule of wit,
1118 And tediousnes the lymmes and outward florishes,
    ... s </sc>(ed. 1982): "Shakespeare glances  ...
420) Commentary Note for line 1132:
1132 Thus it remaines, and the remainder thus
1132 Perpend,
    ...  what I pronounce.' Shakespeare has put  ...
    ... e Pope, speaking of Shakespeare, had sai ...
    ... ord is only used in Shakespeare as a sig ...

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