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281 to 290 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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281) Commentary Note for line 635:
635 Hath op't his ponderous and marble iawes,
    ...  and concludes that Shakespeare has 'fus ...
282) Commentary Note for line 637:
637 That thou dead corse, againe in compleat steele
    ... It is probable that Shakespear introduce ...
    ... ed. See Schmidt, <i>Shakespeare Lexicon< ...
283) Commentary Note for line 638:
638 Reuisites thus the glimses of the Moone,
    ...  the sense in which Shakespeare here use ...
284) Commentary Note for line 639:
639 Making night hideous, and we fooles of nature
    ... iberty which <i><sc>Shakespeare</sc></i> ...
    ... tly be charged upon Shakespeare as vulga ...
    ... g upon the pages of Shakespeare: and in  ...
    ... ches of any length, Shakespeare, careles ...
    ...  he seems to excuse Shakespeare on the g ...
    ...  we get so often in Shakespeare viz. irr ...
285) Commentary Note for line 640:
640 So horridly to shake our disposition
    ... his word is used by Shakespeare not only ...
286) Commentary Note for line 645:
645 As if it some impartment did desire
    ...  found elsewhere in Shakespeare, appears ...
    ... 1C;communication (a Shakespearean coinag ...
287) Commentary Note for line 648:
648 It {waues} <wafts> you to a more remooued ground,
    ... an be no doubt that Shakespeare in these ...
    ... nd both are used by Shakespeare. <small> ...
    ... g its hand or arm. 'Shakespeare is think ...
288) Commentary Note for line 655:
655 And for my soule, what can it doe to that {D2}
    ... assages, shows that Shakespeare does not ...
289) Commentary Note for line 660:
660 That {bettles} <beetles> ore his base into the sea,
    ... angs. The verb is a Shakespearean nonce- ...
    ... e brows, </i> which Shakespeare was not  ...
    ... <i>bettles</i>  was Shakespeare's form.  ...
    ... s <i>OED</i> notes, Shakespeare coined t ...
    ... eningly overhangs.  Shakespeare seems to ...
    ... hority no less than Shakespeare behind i ...
    ...  word/meaning which Shakespeare never in ...
290) Commentary Note for line 661:
661 And there {assume} <assumes> some other horrable forme
    ... udes by saying that Shakespeare's audien ...

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