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961 to 970 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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961) Commentary Note for lines 3217-18:
3217-8 more then theyr euen {Christen:}<Christi|an.> Come my spade, there is no aunci-
    ... ts use in Shakespear ...
    ... e time of Shakespear ...
    ... erung bei Shakespear ...
    ... xample in Shakespear ...
962) Commentary Note for lines 3218-20:
3218-9 ent gentlemen | but Gardners, Ditchers, and Grauemakers, they hold
3219-20 vp | Adams profession.
    ... d also in Shakespear ...
963) Commentary Note for line 3221:
3221 Other. Was he a gentleman? 3221
    ... ompany as Shakespere ...
    ... Actors in Shakespear ...
964) Commentary Note for lines 3230-31:
3230-1 Clow. What is he that builds stronger then eyther the | Mason, the 3230
3231 Shypwright, or the Carpenter.
    ... igung von Shakespear ...
    ... ment from Shakespear ...
965) Commentary Note for lines 3232-33:
3232-3 Other. The gallowes maker, for that <Frame> out-liues a | thousand tenants.
    ... ides, <i> Shakespear ...
966) Commentary Note for line 3245:
3245 <Enter Hamlet and Horatio a farre off.> 3245
    ... erally in Shakespear ...
    ... reader of Shakespear ...
967) Commentary Note for lines 3246-49:
3246-7 Clow. Cudgell thy braines no more about it, for your | dull asse wil
3247-8 not mend his pace with beating, and when | you are askt this question
3248-9 next, say a graue-maker, the | houses <that> hee makes lasts till Doomesday.
    ...  stood in Shakespear ...
968) Commentary Note for lines 3249-50:
3249-50 Goe get thee | {in, and} <to Yaughan,> fetch mee a soope of liquer.
    ... n that of Shakespear ...
    ... The next [Shakespear ...
    ... of his <i>Shakespear ...
    ... han</i>.' Shakespear ...
    ... e Life of Shakespear ...
    ... e Life of Shakespear ...
    ... is merely Shakespear ...
    ... </sc> (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... y once in Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
    ... bility in Shakespear ...
    ... Cambridge Shakespear ...
    ... keeper in Shakespear ...
    ...  stood in Shakespear ...
    ...  jest was Shakespear ...
    ... rother in Shakespear ...
    ... </i> (New Shakespear ...
    ... s less in Shakespear ...
    ... would see Shakespear ...
969) Commentary Note for lines 3252-55:
3252 In youth when I did loue did loue, {Song.}
3253 Me thought it was very sweet
3254 To contract ô the time for a my behoue,
3255 O me thought there {a} was nothing {a} meet.
    ... re not of Shakespear ...
    ... doubtless Shakespear ...
    ... Doubtless Shakespear ...
    ... signed by Shakespear ...
    ... rise from Shakespear ...
    ... e sure of Shakespear ...
    ... hen, what Shakespear ...
    ...  Noble <i>Shakespear ...
    ... signed by Shakespear ...
    ... >Music in Shakespear ...
    ... ongs from Shakespear ...
    ... digger on Shakespear ...
970) Commentary Note for lines 3263-66:
3263 {Clow. } But age with his stealing steppes {Song.}
3264 hath {clawed} <caught> me in his clutch,
3265 And hath shipped me {into} <intill> the land,
3266 as if I had neuer been such. 3266
    ... 252;ssen. Shakespear ...
    ...  arrival. Shakespear ...
    ... t once in Shakespear ...
    ... elongs to Shakespear ...

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