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811 to 820 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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811) Commentary Note for line 2743+20:
2743+20 {This is th'Imposthume of much wealth and peace,}
    ... x201C;How Shakespear ...
    ... ss</i> in Shakespear ...
    ...  matter.' Shakespear ...
812) Commentary Note for line 2743+22:
2743+22 {Why the man dies. I humbly thanke you sir.}
    ...  and that Shakespear ...
813) Commentary Note for line 2743+26:
2743+26 {How all occasions doe informe against me,}
    ... evidently Shakespear ...
    ... s of this Shakespear ...
814) Commentary Note for line 2743+27:
2743+27 {And spur my dull reuenge. What is a man} {K3v}
    ... time; but Shakespear ...
815) Commentary Note for line 2743+30:
2743+30 {Sure he that made vs with such large discourse} 2743+30
    ... with whom Shakespear ...
816) Commentary Note for line 2743+31:
2743+31 {Looking before and after, gaue vs not}
    ... >). Among Shakespear ...
817) Commentary Note for line 2743+33:
2743+33 {To fust in vs vnvsd, now whether it be}
    ... ewhere in Shakespear ...
818) Commentary Note for line 2743+34:
2743+34 {Bestiall obliuion, or some crauen scruple}
    ... o used by Shakespear ...
819) Commentary Note for line 2743+39:
2743+39 {Sith I haue cause, and will, and strength, and meanes}
    ...  (3009)]. Shakespeae ...
820) Commentary Note for line 2743+42:
2743+42 {Led by a delicate and tender Prince,}
    ... axness of Shakespear ...
    ... [569] and Shakespear ...

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