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781 to 790 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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781) Commentary Note for line 2633:
2633 Ham. {Safely stowd, but soft,} what noyse, who calls on Hamlet?
    ... t part of Shakespear ...
782) Commentary Note for line 2636:
2636 Ham. {Compound} <Compounded> it with dust whereto tis kin.
    ... quiry. If Shakespear ...
    ... ative 'if Shakespear ...
783) Commentary Note for lines 2641-43:
2641-2 Ham. That I can keepe your counsaile & not mine | owne, besides
2642-3 to be demaunded of a spunge, what {replycation} <re-| plication> should be made by
2643 the sonne of a King.
    ...  Abbott's Shakespear ...
    ... t certain Shakespear ...
    ... ewhere in Shakespear ...
    ... gallows.  Shakespear ...
784) Commentary Note for lines 2645-50:
2645-6 Ham. I sir, that sokes vp the Kings countenaunce, his | rewards, his
2646-7 authorities, but such Officers doe the King | best seruice in the end, he
2647-8 keepes them like an {apple} <Ape> in | the corner of his iaw, first mouth'd to be
2648-9 last swallowed, | when hee needs what you haue gleand, it is but squee-
2650 sing you, and spunge you shall be dry againe.
    ...  exact as Shakespear ...
    ... ate here. Shakespear ...
    ... more like Shakespear ...
785) Commentary Note for lines 2652-53:
2652-3 Ham. I am glad of it, a knauish speech sleepes in a | foolish eare.
    ... obably of Shakespear ...
    ... erb since Shakespear ...
786) Commentary Note for lines 2656-57:
2656-7 Ham. The body is with the King, but the King is not | with the {K2}
2657 body. The King is a thing{.} <—>
    ...  Knight's Shakespear ...
    ... affirmed. Shakespear ...
    ... hy should Shakespear ...
    ... in the <i>Shakespear ...
787) Commentary Note for lines 2659-60:
2659-60 Ham. Of nothing, bring me to him <, hide Fox, and all | after>. Exeunt.
    ... eaning of Shakespear ...
788) Commentary Note for line 2670:
2670 Deliberate pause, diseases desperat growne,
    ... sages in [Shakespear ...
    ... </sc> (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... pose that Shakespear ...
    ... equent in Shakespear ...
789) Commentary Note for lines 2672-2672+1:
2672 Or not at all. <Enter Rosincrane.>
2672+1 {Enter Rosencraus and all the rest.}
    ... bably, in Shakespear ...
    ... t be what Shakespear ...
2685-6 Ham. Not where he eates, but where {a} <he> is eaten, a {certaine} <cer-| taine> conua-
2686-7 cation of {politique} wormes are een at him: your worme | is your onely
2687-8 Emperour for dyet, we fat all creatures els | to fat vs, and wee fat our
2688-9 {selues} <selfe> for maggots, your fat King | and your leane begger is but varia-
2689-90 ble {seruice, two} <service t
    ... ated</i>. Shakespear ...
    ... eculiarly Shakespear ...
    ... ated</i>. Shakespear ...
    ... eculiarly Shakespear ...
    ...  so truly Shakespear ...
    ... e time of Shakespear ...
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
    ... now.'  In Shakespear ...
    ... ' for the Shakespear ...
    ... just like Shakespear ...
    ... atecraft. Shakespear ...

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