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761 to 770 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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761) Commentary Note for line 2577+8:
2577+8 {And blowe them at the Moone: ô tis most sweete}
    ... vulgar in Shakespear ...
762) Commentary Note for line 2578:
2578 <Ham.> This man shall set me packing, {K1}
    ... stand why Shakespear ...
    ... as not in Shakespear ...
    ... dition of Shakespear ...
    ...  found in Shakespear ...
    ... senses in Shakespear ...
763) Commentary Note for line 2579:
2579 Ile lugge the guts into the neighbour roome;
    ...  sound in Shakespear ...
    ...  exploits Shakespear ...
    ... ading' of Shakespear ...
    ...  exploits Shakespear ...
764) Commentary Note for line 2580:
2580 Mother {good night indeed,} <goodnight. Indeede> this Counsayler
    ... e Plan <i>Shakespear ...
    ... r has not Shakespear ...
765) Commentary Note for line 2583:
2583 Come sir, to draw toward an end with you.
    ... e, blames Shakespear ...
766) Commentary Note for line 2585:
2585 <Exit Hamlet tugging in Polonius.> 2585
    ... ations of Shakespear ...
    ... heatre in Shakespear ...
    ... nces from Shakespear ...
    ... ly not by Shakespear ...
    ... . . . was Shakespear ...
767) Commentary Note for lines 2586-2586+1:
2586 Eenter King {, and Queene, with Rosencraus}
2586+1 {and Guyldensterne}.
    ... artment', Shakespear ...
768) Commentary Note for lines 2587-88:
2587-8 King. There's {matter} <matters> in these sighes, | these profound heaues,
    ...  be added Shakespear ...
769) Commentary Note for line 2591:
2591 <Qu.> Ah {mine owne} <my good> Lord, what haue I seene to night?
    ... #x201C;In Shakespear ...
    ... #x201C;In Shakespear ...
770) Commentary Note for line 2592:
2592 King. What Gertrard, how dooes Hamlet?
    ... ly leaves Shakespear ...

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