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671 to 680 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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671) Commentary Note for line 2350:
2350 Ham. Now might I doe it {, but} <pat,> now {a} <he> is {a} praying,
    ... auties of Shakespear ...
    ... ctures on Shakespear ...
    ... ess since Shakespear ...
    ... worth (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... e time of Shakespear ...
    ...  heaven!' Shakespear ...
    ... e. But if Shakespear ...
    ... an one of Shakespear ...
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
    ... ctly what Shakespear ...
    ... avil that Shakespear ...
    ... ds, until Shakespear ...
    ...  roots of Shakespear ...
    ... eech. Yet Shakespear ...
672) Commentary Note for line 2351:
2351 And now Ile doo't, and so {a} <he> goes to heauen,
    ... , even in Shakespear ...
    ... ciated in Shakespear ...
673) Commentary Note for line 2353:
2353 A villaine kills my father, and for that,
    ... >Notes on Shakespear ...
674) Commentary Note for line 2355:
2355 To heauen. 2355
2355 {Why,} <Oh> this is {base and silly} <hyre and Sallery>, not reuendge,
    ... belong to Shakespear ...
    ... ' must be Shakespear ...
    ...  and what Shakespear ...
    ... 's words. Shakespear ...
    ...  would be Shakespear ...
    ... imate' in Shakespear ...
675) Commentary Note for line 2358:
2358 And how his audit stands who knowes saue heauen,
    ... s that <i>Shakespear ...
    ... hers than Shakespear ...
    ... line that Shakespear ...
676) Commentary Note for line 2359:
2359 But in our circumstance and course of thought,
    ...  often in Shakespear ...
    ...  words in Shakespear ...
    ...  familiar Shakespear ...
677) Commentary Note for line 2361:
2361 To take him in the purging of his soule,
    ... eech. Yet Shakespear ...
678) Commentary Note for line 2363:
2363 Vp sword, and knowe thou a more horrid hent,
    ... rd, in my SHAKESPEAR ...
    ... sed by <i>Shakespear ...
    ... sed by <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ...  But when Shakespear ...
    ... ewhere in Shakespear ...
    ... sually in Shakespear ...
    ... ewhere by Shakespear ...
    ...  reaction Shakespear ...
    ... ridge (<i>Shakespear ...
679) Commentary Note for line 2364:
2364 When he is {drunke, a sleepe,} <drunke asleepe:> or in his rage,
    ... ents' (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... acters of Shakespear ...
    ... isson, <i>Shakespear ...
    ... y used by Shakespear ...
680) Commentary Note for line 2368:
2368 Then trip him that his heels may kick at heauen, {I2}
    ...  temps de Shakespear ...

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