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641 to 650 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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641) Commentary Note for line 2278:
2278 Out of his {browes} <Lunacies>.
    ... , because Shakespear ...
    ...  however, Shakespear ...
    ... , because Shakespear ...
    ...  however, Shakespear ...
    ...  however, Shakespear ...
    ... culiar to Shakespear ...
    ... common in Shakespear ...
    ... affled by Shakespear ...
    ...  in other Shakespear ...
    ... amlet (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... ); and in Shakespear ...
    ... nguage of Shakespear ...
642) Commentary Note for line 2281:
2281 To keepe those many many bodies safe
    ... r with <i>SHAKESPEAR ...
643) Commentary Note for lines 2283-84:
2283-4 Ros. The single | and peculier life is bound
    ... e touched Shakespear ...
    ... stance of Shakespear ...
644) Commentary Note for line 2287:
2287 That spirit, vpon whose {weale} <spirit> depends and rests
    ... s realm.' Shakespeae ...
    ... common in Shakespear ...
    ... de</i> <i>Shakespear ...
645) Commentary Note for line 2288:
2288 The liues of many, the {cesse} <cease> of Maiestie
    ... n used by Shakespear ...
    ... n exactly Shakespear ...
646) Commentary Note for line 2290:
2290 What's neere it, with it, {or} it is a massie wheele 2290
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
647) Commentary Note for line 2291:
2291 Fixt on the somnet of the highest mount,
    ... gest that Shakespear ...
648) Commentary Note for line 2292:
2292 To whose {hough} <huge> spokes, tenne thousand lesser things
    ... less</i>. Shakespear ...
649) Commentary Note for line 2294:
2294 Each small annexment petty consequence {I1}
    ... le, which Shakespear ...
650) Commentary Note for line 2297:
2297 King. Arme you I pray you to this speedy {viage,} <Voyage;>
    ... of use in Shakespear ...
    ... e</i> was Shakespear ...
    ... /i> being Shakespear ...
    ... nted it.  Shakespear ...
    ... a part of Shakespear ...

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