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611 to 620 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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611) Commentary Note for line 2151:
2151 Hora. Halfe a share. 2151
    ... ctors, in Shakespear ...
    ...  of which Shakespear ...
    ... actors in Shakespear ...
    ... e Life of Shakespear ...
    ... are after Shakespear ...
    ... en one of Shakespear ...
    ... swer is a Shakespear ...
    ... lusion to Shakespear ...
    ... air. Thus Shakespear ...
    ... actors in Shakespear ...
    ... e Life of Shakespear ...
    ... actors in Shakespear ...
    ... e 28). In Shakespear ...
612) Commentary Note for line 2152:
2152 Ham. A whole one I.
    ... actors in Shakespear ...
613) Commentary Note for line 2156:
2156 A very very paiock. 2156
    ... age of <i>SHAKESPEAR ...
    ... of our <i>Shakespear ...
    ... of our <i>Shakespear ...
    ... d that <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ope, that Shakespear ...
    ... ocke</i>. Shakespear ...
    ... figure in Shakespear ...
    ... sume that Shakespear ...
    ... s rife in Shakespear ...
    ...  I were a Shakespear ...
    ... ught that Shakespear ...
    ... ract from Shakespear ...
    ... C;Whether Shakespear ...
    ... figure in Shakespear ...
    ... > (<i>New Shakespear ...
    ... istory in Shakespear ...
    ... belief of Shakespear ...
    ... n his New Shakespear ...
    ... , and how Shakespear ...
    ... o many of Shakespear ...
    ... istory of Shakespear ...
    ... #8216;New Shakespear ...
    ... der where Shakespear ...
    ... istory of Shakespear ...
    ... , is that Shakespear ...
    ... istory of Shakespear ...
    ...  not make Shakespear ...
    ... rrence in Shakespear ...
    ... oubt that Shakespear ...
614) Commentary Note for lines 2158-59:
2158-9 Ham. O good Horatio, Ile take the Ghosts word for | a thousand
2159 pound. Did'st perceiue?
    ... uently in Shakespear ...
615) Commentary Note for line 2164:
2164 Ham. {Ah ha,} <Oh, ha?> come some musique, come the Recorders, {H3v}
    ... 67; 161). Shakespear ...
    ... rs? True, Shakespear ...
616) Commentary Note for line 2165:
2165 For if the King like not the Comedie, 2165
    ... Brock, <i>Shakespear ...
617) Commentary Note for line 2172:
2172 Guyl. Is in his retirement meruilous distempred.
    ...  occur in Shakespear ...
618) Commentary Note for line 2174:
2174 Guyl. No my Lord, <rather> with choller,
    ... d, see <i>Shakespear ...
619) Commentary Note for lines 2175-78:
2175-6 Ham. Your wisedome should shewe it selfe more {richer} <ri-|cher> to signifie
2176-7 this to {the} <his> Doctor, for, for mee to put him | to his purgation, would
2177-8 perhaps plunge him into <farre> | more choller.
    ... ourceful. Shakespear ...
620) Commentary Note for lines 2185-89:
2185-6 Guyl. Nay good my Lord, this curtesie is not of | the right breede, if 2185
2186-7 it shall please you to make me a {wholsome} <whol-| some> aunswere, I will doe your
2187-8 mothers commaundement, | if not, your pardon and my returne, shall
2188-9 be the end of | <my> busines.
    ... elsewhere Shakespear ...

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