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591 to 600 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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591) Commentary Note for line 2083:
2083 But die thy thoughts when thy first Lord is dead.
    ... ry odd <i>Shakespear ...
592) Commentary Note for line 2085+1:
2085+1 {To desperation turne my trust and hope,} 2085+1
    ... truth is, Shakespear ...
    ...  probably Shakespear ...
593) Commentary Note for line 2085+2:
2085+2 {And Anchors cheere in prison be my scope,} 2085+2
    ...  &#x201C; Shakespear ...
594) Commentary Note for line 2086:
2086 Each opposite that blancks the face of ioy, 2086
    ... (170-1)]. Shakespear ...
    ... es blank. Shakespear ...
595) Commentary Note for line 2088:
2088 Both heere and hence pursue me lasting strife, {Ham. If she should}
    ... ording to Shakespear ...
596) Commentary Note for line 2090:
2090 <Ham. If she should breake it now.>
    ... ording to Shakespear ...
597) Commentary Note for lines 2091-2:
2091-2 King. Tis deeply sworne, | sweet leaue me heere a while, 2091
    ... /i> (152) Shakespear ...
598) Commentary Note for lines 2105-10:
2105-6 Ham. The Mousetrap, mary how tropically, | this play is the Image
2106-7 of a murther doone in Vienna, {Gonzago} <Gon-| zago>is the Dukes name, his wife
2107-8 Baptista, you shall see | anon, tis a knauish peece of worke, but what {of}
2108-10 {that} <o'that>? | your Maiestie, and wee that haue free soules, it touches | vs not,
    ... orrected. Shakespear ...
    ...  England. Shakespear ...
    ... times, in Shakespear ...
    ... t against Shakespear ...
    ... Essays on Shakespear ...
    ... lungen zu Shakespear ...
    ...  his ear. Shakespear ...
    ... s enough. Shakespear ...
    ... ations of Shakespear ...
    ...  his ear. Shakespear ...
    ... ations of Shakespear ...
    ... tiated in Shakespear ...
    ... his ear.' Shakespear ...
    ... razin (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... cess. How Shakespear ...
    ... Bianca in Shakespear ...
599) Commentary Note for lines 2110-12:
2110-2 let the gauled Iade winch, our withers are vnwrong. | <Enter Lucianus.> | This is one Lu-
2112 cianus, Nephew to the King.
2111 {Enter Lucianus.}
    ... '). In <i>Shakespear ...
600) Commentary Note for line 2113:
2113 Oph. You are {as good as a} <a good> Chorus my Lord.
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... 201D; [On Shakespear ...
    ... on stage. Shakespear ...
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... audience. Shakespear ...
    ... ho (as in Shakespear ...
    ... audience; Shakespear ...

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