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581 to 590 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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581) Commentary Note for line 2052:
2052 A second time I kill my husband dead,
    ...  occur in Shakespear ...
582) Commentary Note for line 2054:
2054 King. I doe belieue {you thinke} <you. Think> what now you speake,
    ... device of Shakespear ...
583) Commentary Note for line 2056:
2056 Purpose is but the slaue to memorie,
    ... t this is Shakespear ...
    ... t this is Shakespear ...
    ... stency of Shakespear ...
    ...  Whereas, Shakespear ...
    ... the while Shakespear ...
    ... ure under Shakespear ...
    ... ribute to Shakespear ...
    ...  meant by Shakespear ...
    ... device of Shakespear ...
    ...  this was Shakespear ...
584) Commentary Note for line 2059:
2059 But fall vnshaken when they mellow bee.
    ... ;' but in Shakespear ...
585) Commentary Note for line 2064:
2064 The violence of {eyther,} <other> griefe, or ioy,
    ... reader of Shakespear ...
586) Commentary Note for line 2065:
2065 Their owne {ennactures} <ennactors> with themselues destroy, 2065
    ... reader of Shakespear ...
    ... lments (a Shakespear ...
    ... tions - a Shakespear ...
587) Commentary Note for line 2072:
2072 The great man downe, you marke his {fauourite} <fauourites> flyes,
    ...  Abbott's Shakespear ...
    ... ieve that Shakespear ...
    ... x201C;Had Shakespear ...
    ... x201C;1<i>Shakespear ...
588) Commentary Note for line 2075:
2075 For who not needes, shall neuer lacke a friend, 2075
    ...  passages Shakespear ...
589) Commentary Note for line 2077:
2077 Directly seasons him his enemy.
    ... on</i> in Shakespear ...
590) Commentary Note for line 2079:
2079 Our wills and fates doe so contrary runne,
    ... ry</i> is Shakespear ...

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