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491 to 500 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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491) Commentary Note for lines 1627-8:
1627-8 And fall a cursing like a very drabbe; | a {stallyon,} <Scullion?> fie vppont, foh.
    ... uaded, <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  Schmidt, Shakespear ...
    ... assage in Shakespear ...
492) Commentary Note for line 1629:
1629 That guilty creatures sitting at a play,
    ... Tis plain Shakespear ...
    ... e that <i>Shakespear ...
    ... Tis plain Shakespear ...
    ... ations on Shakespear ...
    ...  acted by Shakespear ...
    ... luence of Shakespear ...
493) Commentary Note for line 1632:
1632 They haue proclaim'd their malefactions:
    ... d for the Shakespear ...
494) Commentary Note for line 1634:
1634 With most miraculous organ: Ile haue these Players
    ...  which <i>Shakespear ...
    ... er how <i>Shakespear ...
    ... short, <i>Shakespear ...
    ... st, of <i>Shakespear ...
    ... de</i> <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ; This <i>Shakespear ...
495) Commentary Note for line 1637:
1637 Ile tent him to the quicke, if a {doe} <but> blench
    ...  plays of Shakespear ...
    ...  &#x201C; Shakespear ...
496) Commentary Note for line 1641:
1641 Out of my weakenes, and my melancholy,
    ... on one in Shakespear ...
497) Commentary Note for line 1644:
1644 More relatiue then this, the play's the thing
    ...  scene to Shakespere ...
    ... 1C;Though Shakespear ...
    ... 's time.--Shakespear ...
    ... e gave to Shakespear ...
    ... know that Shakespear ...
    ... y here by Shakespear ...
498) Commentary Note for lines 1650-1:
1650 Grating so harshly all his dayes of quiet
1651 With turbulent and dangerous lunacie?
    ... ewhere in Shakespear ...
499) Commentary Note for line 1661:
1661 Ros. Niggard of question, but of our demaunds
    ... poses. <i>Shakespear ...
    ... tion,</i> Shakespear ...
    ... ured that Shakespear ...
    ... aces. But Shakespear ...
    ... nglish of Shakespear ...
    ... rees with Shakespear ...
    ... ness does Shakespear ...
500) Commentary Note for line 1663:
1663 Quee. Did you assay him to any pastime?
    ... uent w.th Shakespear ...

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